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Started July 18th!


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I started a thread in the Whole 30 log section, but didn't introduce myself here yet. I'm Cathy, and it's my first Whole 30. I'm 42, overweight and moderately active, with a voracious sweet tooth that I'm ready to reset and balance some healthier input with the output.


It's day 4 and so far, so good! I am enjoying the meals I've cooked and have a ton that I prepared before I started and put in the freezer for busy days that I would be tempted to grab something else. The first few days I have been pretty hungry in between meals (even when I'm full after finishing a meal) but am concentrating on balanced snacks when I need them. I haven't had the carb hangover or the crankiness I expected, but today was my first work day since I've started and I'm pretty low energy now that I'm home.


One big positive I've noted so far: I'm a fairly frequent heartburn sufferer, and I haven't had an inkling since I started until just a minor bit today--what a relief! I know there are foods that are particularly bad triggers for me, but in general I don't take note of what might have caused it. This will be something for me to pay attention to going forward!


Thanks all for your support; I'm glad this forum is here!

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