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July 24

KC Sunshine

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Hey all!


I discovered the Whole30 just over 2 years ago after I'd had a sports injury that prevented me from exercising. It became a useful tool for me to stay healthy while I couldn't be super active.


I ended up doing 3-4 Whole30s during the course of the year, and after the second, ate Paleo the majority of my meals anyway when I wasn't Whole30-ing.


Then, last July, I started traveling a lot for work. I've been living out of hotels for the last year, and lacking kitchen facilities, I've gravitated toward eating fast food - whatever is available. It's taken it's toll, on my physique, (I believe) my mental clarity, and my overall feeling of wellness.


So, yesterday, after over a year from my last Whole30, I have begun another. I'm posting here because the forum was super helpful for me in the past, and I think social accountability is a big part of being able to stick with something like the Whole30 for 30 days.


It's day 2 and I just made myself some eggs with mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and avocado. Even though it's only been a day, I'm already feeling better. Once I made the decision that I'd really commit to this, it made it easier to avoid fast food / eating out / etc. 


I gotta say, I'm experiencing a bit of brain fog, but I remember what it's like to break through that in weeks 2-3. The next week or two may be tough, but I'm excited for what is ahead.


Well, looking forward to get to know some of you as well.



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I started on July 24 as well. So far I'm feeling good.


Today I decided to quit coffee - I've been thinking about it for a while, and without cream I just don't enjoy it. I am having green tea for some caffeine, but I'm sure there will be an adjustment period. But I am looking forward to breaking addictions and feeling free from it all.


Best of luck to everyone!



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Hey! Day 5 for me. I'm definitely feeling fatigue and some brain fog. It's been a bit easier to concentrate today though.


I also had a dream where I broke the Whole30 - haven't had that in awhile :)


Flying tomorrow to Berlin. Think that'll be interesting - I'm planning to eat a big meal before heading to the airport.


Last night ended up going out with friends and there wasn't anything compliant at the restaurant, so I just got a club soda. I ended up eating when I got back at 1:30am or so, and it definitely hit me this morning - I felt really out of it and had a slow day getting started.


Still on track though. I definitely feel like I'm trudging through the trough, though. The novelty is beginning to wear off, and I'm not even halfway toward the "Tiger Blood" phase. One day at a time.

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Day 7! I feel like I'm through the worst of it. I'm feeling more focused and my energy levels are definitely more even throughout the day. 


I think sleep is the next big thing for me. I've been sleeping really late and not getting quite enough in, and I think that crashing and waking up a bit earlier will help maintain energy through the next week, which is still the trough.

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Day 7! I feel like I'm through the worst of it. I'm feeling more focused and my energy levels are definitely more even throughout the day. 


I think sleep is the next big thing for me. I've been sleeping really late and not getting quite enough in, and I think that crashing and waking up a bit earlier will help maintain energy through the next week, which is still the trough.

Day 7 for me, too, and I'm feeling good. No major cravings, and I'm really enjoying cooking. How was your flight to Berlin? Did you bring your own food?


Sleep is a big one for me, too. I have been off of school for the summer, and at first I was staying up late because I could...then I realized how much better I feel when I get enough sleep and stay on a regular schedule. I start back at school on Monday, and I'm hoping it won't be too much of a shock to my system to get up early.

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2 weeks in. I only ate 2 meals yesterday due to weird timing. Today it seems like it'll be the same, but I'm going to go cook something just to cook it, so I'm not missing meals. Need to get enough calories.


I think I'm squarely in the clearheadness of the Whole30, and have been for quite a few days. Still am getting some cravings for crappy food. Had a bagel dream the other day.

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I have not been noticing cravings but today was a bit hard when I walked into an office where 4 people were sitting around eating fast food for lunch and all I could think about was french fries. I was fine once I left, though...


The only food related dream I've had was dreaming that someone offered me a drink that I didn't know had sugar in it, and I thought I had ruined my Whole30.


So far, so good...My moods have been pretty even and for the most part I'm enjoying the food (with the exception of having to choke down brussels sprouts for breakfast when I didn't have any other vegetables).

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