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Starting Today 9/10!


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I was a college swimmer (graduated 2010) so ate whatever I wanted for the first 22 years of my life while looking great and excelling at my sport (although I wish I knew then what I should have been eating...). After graduation I kept eating whatever I wanted with no sport to excel at, but got really good at gaining weight instead. I gained about 20lbs in the first year after I graduated, and have kept it all on.

I started Crossfit and made the move to Paleo about a year ago, with initially good results (lost 10lbs, but more importantly, felt GREAT, strong, better/stable mood, more energy). Then, I fell off the wagon around the holidays and never got back on track for any significant amount of time. The past 9 months, I will have a few good days followed by a few bad days, rinse and repeat weekly. I also have been very good at coming up with excuses and reasons why whatever is in front of me is an "okay cheat this one time." Basically I lack self-control on this issue, and need some serious butt kicking and tough love to keep me in line (that's how we college athletes roll!)

I am so excited to start my Whole30 because I completely believe in the principle behind it; if you eat real food--nutrients that are good for you because your body is evolved to digest and use them--you will look good, feel good, and be better in all aspects. I felt great about my body and my athletic abilities for my entire life up until graduation, so not feeling that way the past 2ish years has been a depressing change that I'm ready to reverse. I don't need extra weight creating extra baggage! The better I feel the more productive I am in all aspects of life, and I'm looking forward to getting back to a place where I'm firing on all cylinders. Bring on the encouragement, honesty, and delicious foods! Here goes 30 days of lifestyle revolution!

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Thanks guys! I am doing well so far; I think I'm going to start a log though to hold myself more accountable and keep better track of what's going in. Now just fighting the terrible post-dinner sugar cravings...can't wait to get rid of those!!

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Awesome to hear that things are going well! I do hear you with the sugar craves. I have two boys, and I have to prepare desert for them each night....so it is right in front of my face. But...what I am doing is make sure I have enough food at night, and sometimes, I will have a few berries or something with extra water. It fills that snack void and it is a good role model to my kids ;-)

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