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Starting August 3: Vegetarian Adaptation


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Good morning! I am Christine and am starting Whole30 with the vegetarian adaptation (including plain organic yogurt, edamame, extra firm tofu, and some fish). I am 63, a survivor of childhood obesity who would still like to lose some pounds (well, maybe 30 or 40 eventually . . . ) and get extra-healthy for my new habit of walking half-marathons (and maybe a marathon in the future). I am attempting to control my relationship with my "no brakes" foods--grains (especially tasty whole grain crackers, cereal, and bread), sweet (only the healthy type of course), cheese, and good wine. I am studying for my CSW (certified specialist of wine), which makes this a bit ironic, but am aiming for quality rather than quantity.

My diet has generally been good, except for overdoing "healthy foods."

I actually began eating the Whole30 way over the weekend with a few cheats (chickpeas).

My goal is an end to "no brakes" anything.

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Since you're eating fish, do you also eat eggs? If so, I'd recommend doing the Whole30 as a pescatarian, instead of including the dairy and soy sources you listed.


If you choose to include dairy and soy, note that it's technically not a Whole30.

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