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This is not hard.....


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"This is not hard...."  oh how I want to believe these words!  I know it's not hard, but I am a little bit of a drama queen.  I know I can do this!  This is my third attempt at the whole 30, and the third times a charm....right?  I'm 25, I should be able to contain my urges, I should be able to control my temptations, have some self-control.  I guess I will find out if that is true.  


I am mostly doing this because I feel like I am a prisoner in my own body.  I can't control my eating habits, I am tired ALL THE TIME!!  I can have 5 cups of coffee and still feel like it's not enough.  Just living life and I feel like my world is just foggy and unclear.  I was recently diagnosed with tendinitis in my knees.  I also suffer from chronic sinus infections....if changing my diet can make these go away then why wouldn't I try it?  


I can't wait to see what non-scale victories happen for me, and for what a healthy body feels like.

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You can do it! One meal at a time. Make sure there is always something compliant and ready to eat in your fridge. The closest I've gotten to a slip was when I was starving and realized everything would require 30 minutes of cooking. I have lots of stuff pre-cooked and in the freezer now.

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I have struggled with chronic sinusitis and exhaustion for the last few years, too. This is only day 2 of Whole 30 for me, and dat 6 of paleo, but I can breathe for the first time in years. And the fog seems to be going away, even if I have some grog and aches from detox and sugar cravings. I've been living off of cheese, sugar, and bread for years and if I can do, I know you can! Stay strong! 

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You're right. It's not easy to change years of unhealthy habits, but you can TOTALLY do this! I'm 34-years-old and suffer from allergies, asthma, and eczema. I also have arthritis in my knee and toe and suffer from chronic pain that I think is caused by systemic inflammation. For once I'm committed to changing the way I eat, not primarily to lose weight, but to feel healthy and not like I'm 60+ years old! Last time I tried Whole30 I made it 3 weeks and had a better relationship with food than I've ever had. My energy levels were great and I felt improvements in my mood. I made the mistake of starting at the beginning of December. Starting a big lifestyle change right before the holidays proved too much of a challenge for me. But I know I can to it this time and you can too! You got this!  

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Hello there - I really could relate to what you said about being tired all the time and unable to control eating. I really believe, and have experienced, that going off of sugar - TOTALLY - is the key. Sugar is my primary trigger food and addiction. Once it is in my system, there is no self control...I become a junkie looking for a fix. If you are like me, I think the "fix" is abstinence, just like an alcoholic/drug addict has to do to recover. Hope you do well! Laura Lee *(*

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In a few days you're going to feel fabulous.  You know this to be true.   So right now, write down why you want to do a Whole30 and what you expect from it.

Also write down in gruesome detail how you feel both physically and mentally.  Write it down on an index card because you know that there will be a day -- maybe Day 3 or Day 4 where you ask yourself if it's worth it.


Read the card about how you feel today and update it with how you feel that day.


Hang in there.  It really is worth it.  But you already know that!

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