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Once you reintro...


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Once you reintro, can you still see the benefits of whole 30 if you continue to eat overall in the whole 30 manner? Or is it once you reintro you have "interrupted" the 30 days of clean eating and will no longer continue to see benefits you may have if you kept eating whole 30 explicitly?  


I saw in an article that Melissa doesn't recommend eating 100% Whole 30 forever and ever, but rather as a guiding point from which to eat, as it isn't realistic  to keep up all the time.  I am anxious to reintro as I am approaching the end of my 30 days, but know I will most likely stay close to the new habits I have formed, with some room for flexibility as needed.  


I know some people find success with symptoms of diseases and such on this diet... do they forever and ever eat whole 30, or do they just stick closely to it as Melissa recommends, after reintroduction?  Just trying to better understand the entire concept... thanks!


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The purpose of reintroduction is to ultimately figure out how you want to eat going forward: what is commonly referred to around here as "riding your own bike."


Once you conduct reintroductions and see how you react (physically, psychologically and craving-wise) to the eliminated foods, then you choose how you want to eat from that point onward. You decide what's worth it (or not) for YOU.  It's what we call an experiment of n=1.

You might find Melissa's articles about how she eats helpful. it's a 3 part series, starting here


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