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Today I am on day 23 of my Whole30. In the beginning I wasn't convinced about the not snacking between meals suggestion. For years I have been a snacker. I would nibble on fruits and nuts and cheeses, veggies with balsamic vinegar and other healthy snacks, which were good choices, but I thought I couldn't "live" without those snacks. I have 2 snacks a day, about 10am and 2pm. In doing this Whole30 I realize that I had been splitting up my meals so that I could snack. It wasn't that I had to snack, but I wanted to, so that my day at working, sitting in front of the computer, would be broken up. I have incorporated my snacks into my meals, leaving me completely satisfied food wise, but at first left me feeling antsy at the office and a bit grumpy.  But now I have replaced my snacks with a little walk outside in the fresh air, which breaks up my day in much better way. I am understanding that whole in the Whole30 is not only for whole foods, but whole self!

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