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Bowel changes?? Anyone else?


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Today is Day 27 for me. I am a medical provider and decided to do the Whole30 to see about decreasing bloat, sugar cravings, stress eating and help with my acne which I believe is related to hormone imbalance and systemic inflammation.


I noted over the past two days that there have been oil droplets in my stool. It was somewhat alarming today. I did some research through my resources and found that it could be from not enough veggies (I swear I eat as much as possible), eating nuts or malabsorption. I have been eating macadamia nuts and hazelnuts.


Has anyone else experienced this? If so, please give me insight. I start my reintroduction on Wednesday and if this could be malabsorprtion, the trial of gluten could be interesting. If it's persistent, I will see my PCP also.



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As someone who has had to monitor my youngest son's stools since his very early days I was always told that an oily film in the water was from fat.

You say you've been eating macadamias & hazelnuts - how often have you been eating them? Nuts are notoriously hard on the digestive system and I'd suspect that an excess of nuts may be your culprit....

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Based on my research, that was my thought too. I eat them maybe once per day but sometimes more if I am in between meals or have a delay getting home for dinner at work to hold me over until I can make my dinner. That is my suspicion as well. I will back off on the nuts and see if that improves my bowel movements. Thanks!

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Yep, we'd recommend that nuts are eaten only in moderation - maybe only every few days or so.... Cut them out & hopefully things will settle down for you, and in the mean time be sure to drink plenty of water.

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