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Breathe. :-)

If you normally turn to food when stressed, use this time to experiment with non-food ways to cope. Call a friend, listen to music you like, dance, take a bubble bath, listen to a podcast or inspiring TED talk, read, do a puzzle, whatever.

Whatever you decide, give yourself lots of compassion and treat yourself like your best friend.

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Breathe. :-)

If you normally turn to food when stressed, use this time to experiment with non-food ways to cope. Call a friend, listen to music you like, dance, take a bubble bath, listen to a podcast or inspiring TED talk, read, do a puzzle, whatever.

Whatever you decide, give yourself lots of compassion and treat yourself like your best friend.

Day 16 and I've had an extremely stressful day. I have been faithful to Whole30 so far, but I could still use some tips and encouraging words. Anyone have any helpful thoughts? Thanks so much!

Grains, like GFChris says: Breathe :) ....

The other day I was hit with a big and I mean very big unexpected dental diagnosis with a big price tag...I felt I was hit by a truck. Normally, I would go "into myself" and stress and eat something bad, but I had an art class that night which was a very good thing.

Like someone I know said....If I wake up in the morning on this side of the dirt....IT'S A GOOD DAY!!!!

Be kind to yourself and drink lots of water. Sending a big hug and good vibes your way.

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