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Nuts as a fat??


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Can I have nuts as a fat part of my meal? I was thinking so but as I've been reading more and more it seems like they should be eaten sparingly? I bought some today at Trader Joes, but don't want to have them if their not encouraged.

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Yes you can have nuts as your meal's fat, and yes nuts are recommended to be limited on a Whole30. Choose other fat sources as your primary fat instead.

Make sure whatever you bought at Trader Joe's has compliant oils and/or seasonings for ingredients.

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I usually end up having nuts most of the time for fat. My body doesn't care for avocado or fatty meats, but it tolerates nuts well. (I change it up, of course too)

You have lots of other choices: olives, coconut oil, coconut milk, clarified butter, ghee, homemade mayo, tallow, duck fat, etc.

Best nuts are cashews, hazelnuts and macadamia. They are rich in monounsaturated fat and lowest in polyunsaturated fat, which Whole30 recommends limiting.

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I think I blew it today .  Had a package of Emerald 100 cal.  dry roasted almonds.  Did not check the ingredients .  I see Sugar there.  Less than 2% of the seasoning ,but still there.

If sugar/sweetener is in the list of ingredients then yes, the nuts are off-plan.

Read this article to decide your next step:http://whole30.com/2014/06/really-start-whole30/

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