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Blissfulnewme...my first Whole30 log!


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I have lots of reasons why I am doing this!


Tired and hungry all the time. Moody and irritable.

Fat bellly!

Double chin!!

Redness on my face, dry skin all over

issues with sleep, anxiety, depression. Brain fog, cravings, stuffy nose

Gas, bloating, stomach pains. Joint stiffness, muscle aches

No energy to do fun things. Feeling unnattractive


This is what I would like to achieve with the Whole30:


Flatter belly!

More energy!

Feel more attractive

Feel more balanced, light, and free

Healthy, normal digestion

Glowing skin!

Feel clear-minded, confident, happier

Sleep well and wake up refreshed

Feel relaxed and at ease...feel good in my own skin!


As I said in another post, I'm going through a painful divorce right now. Doing the Whole30 is making me feel empowered!

I am appreciating this forum so much!!

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Day 1 (9/6/15)
I noticed I wasn't satiated throughout the day. Maybe I need to add more protein?
Meal 1: 3 eggs, avocado, sweet potato, brussels sprouts 9:30am
Meal 2: Chicken, beets, sweet potato, broccoli, avocado, olive oil (on top), coconut oil (to cook) 12:30pm
Unsweetened Passion Iced tea from Starbucks 3:00pm
Meal 3: one banana with 1 TBSP almond butter and 1 TBSP coconut oil, and cinnamon 4:45pm
Meal 4: Small piece of steak (maybe 3 oz...it was dry and chewy!) broccoli, cashews, olives, mushrooms, olive oil, coconut oil 7:35pm
At the end of the day, I felt great mentally, but I was very physically tired, and I felt hungry most of the day. I think my body needs time to adjust after being used to eating all day long!

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Nice looking food!  I find I need either 4 eggs in the morning or 3 eggs plus another meat (which these days is chicken apple sausage).   It's hard to say if your protein portions at lunch and dinner were big enough.  Add a little more to tomorrow's meal and see if that keeps your hunger in check.  Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.  

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Day 2 was a little challenging because I went to a BBQ! I ate before I left but I got so hungry after a few hours!
So I ate a chicken thigh!


Meal 1: Three scrambled eggs with broccoli and tomato (I used coconut oil) plus one banana with almond butter, coconut oil, and cinnamon 8:45am

Meal 2: Chicken strips, beets, broccoli, cashews, olives, lemon, coco aminos, olive oil and coconut oil 12:30pm

Meal 3: one chicken thigh at the BBQ! 4:15pm

Meal 4: Chicken and zucchini poppers (found with google search "whole30 ground chicken recipes"), brussels sprouts with lemon and olive oil, broccoli, carrots, olives, cashews, coco aminos and coconut oil 7:15pm


I realized that I'm eating too much chicken! I will add more variety this week!



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Day 1, Take 2!

Halfway through Day 3 of my Whole30, I realized there was added sugar in my almond butter. I believe in doing things with integrity so I started fresh today!

I learned a lot in the past three days like: read the label before you eat, and the natural almond butter without added sugar actually bothers my stomach!


I had a hectic day at work so I ate a little sporadically...I also didn't sleep well at all so I was mentally and physically exhausted. I did my best!


Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 salmon patties, beets, brussels sprouts, and asparagus 7:15am

snack: half a banana with almond butter (the plain one!), coconut oil and cinnamon 10:30am

Meal 2: Chicken zucchini poppers, broccoli, carrots 12noon

snack: the other half of the banana etc 3:00pm

Meal 3: 3 salmon patties, beets, snow peas 4:45pm




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So this is Day 5 (plus the first 3 days that included added sugar in my almond butter! oops!)


I'm learning that I need to be better prepared for work and for socializing.


I had two family and friend events this weekend and it was a little challenging because I didn't properly prepare myself. So I spent some time feeling really hungry and kinda cranky!


But I know what to do next time: eat a satisfying meal before I leave, or bring something satiating with me in the car and eat before I arrive...

I'm learning as I go along!


My cousin said she could see a difference, in my face especially! I felt (and feel) so encouraged by that!

Even though there are times when I feel tired, I feel this unusual (for me) feeling of happiness and contentment...even gratitude! It's hard to explain...but it's amazing!

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