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Fun Fat Ideas?


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I am about to start Whole 30 for my first time! One thing I am worried about is losing weight. I DON'T want to lose weight. I am 6'1" and weight 140 lbs, more or less. Does anyone have good suggestions for consuming fats while on the program? What are your favorites?

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Here's an article on how to encourage weight maintenance while on the Whole30: http://whole30.com/2013/12/keeping-weight-whole30/


Also, take the time to review the meal template (found here) and make a mental note that you probably need to eat on the upper end of the template. That means aiming for 2 portions of protein and fat per meal or even more as your appetite allows. More frequent carbohydrate portions will also help you maintain weight, but you'll have to experiment a little with how often and how much to figure out makes your body happy.


The meal template has lots of examples/ideas for incorporating fat into your meals. You can also look into recipes for mayo and fat-based sauces which will add some fun and interesting flavors.

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