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Lunches have been my biggest challenge


Easy packable lunches   

  1. 1. AIP friendly and portable lunches

    • Ingredients which are easy to prepare
    • Prep in advance ideas

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Let me begin by saying, without any reservation, that I am thoroughly enjoying my Whole30 journey. My doctor recommended it for me due to my Hashimoto's diagnosis. I am on Day 20 doing the Autoimmune Protocol. As a chef (no longer working as a chef), I have always wanted to find ways to make traditional recipes more healthful and nutritious. Whole30 has given me new inspiration towards that endeavor.

For the past 5-1/2 years I have been working as a consultant for a specialty foods importing company, so, although I'm no longer cooking, however, I am in kitchens everyday advising chefs. Talk about challenging! I'm constantly offered different foods and pastries to taste. Saying no is borderline offensive to these chefs!

I'm also working out of my car most of the day. My morning includes making samples to take to customers, and packing a nutritious lunch for myself, which I usually eat in the parking lot of a customer, or some gas station. Going out to eat is nearly impossible, as most restaurants don't want to reveal ingredients, such as cooking oils, most of which are not Whole30/AIP friendly. Most days I just skip lunch because it's one less thing to think about.

My dilemma is having enough time to pack two coolers, one for me and one for my customers, and developing a list of healthy Whole30/AIP recipes which are quick to prepare and easy to eat in some remote location. I'm a chef and I'm stumped! I would love feedback. Thanks!

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Not everything on this list is aip friendly, but maybe it will give you some ideas: http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2014/06/25/great-ingredients-recipe-required/

Also check out her weekly cookup plan, which could save you time during the week:


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