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My wife and I are planning to start October 5th


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Hi, Holley54. Is there anything in particular you want tips for?


In general, food planning and prep are key. If you don't have healthy food readily available, it's easy to just say, forget it, and go out for supper. This post talks a little about prepping food for the week, and this one is a more concrete example with recipes and instructions.


Other than that, read your labels on everything -- you'd be surprised the things that have sugar or soy or other off-plan ingredients that you'd never expect.

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Thanks Shannon.  I have read pretty much all of the book and have soaked in as much information as I could.  Still a bit nervous.  I'm really nervous about breakfast.  I feel I can do the leftovers, but not so sure my wife can.  I'm the one that mainly needs to do this, but I'd like her support because feel it will be easier with a "buddy".  She also will not be able to eat eggs everyday (I'm sure I could if i Had to). 


Also quick question I know each meal consists of protein, vegetable, possibly fruit, and fat.  I'm having a hard time with the fat part.  I have a feeling I will be eating 30 avocados a week.  Everything I see online seems to have avocados.  Doesn't ghee or evoo count as fat?  What if I cook 3 eggs with a cooking fat and have a side of bacon like 3-4 mornings a week? Will that work? Or at supper will it count if I saute vegetables in evoo?  Is that my fat?

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Bacon is a fat source so eggs and bacon (plus some vegetables) would be fine. The problem with the cooking fat is that often, much of it stays in the pan and isn't consumed, so it doesn't really count. The meal template lists approximate serving sizes for some other fat sources, like olives and coconut. You can also make mayo or other sauces. Chimichurri, Morroccan Dipping Sauce (underneath the chicken recipe, scroll down), Hollandaise sauce, or sunshine sauce are popular choices.

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So for supper when I normally would cook a meat plus two vegetables and call it a day now I just need to add a sauce, avocado, or a few olives on the side? I'm not sure I could do anything coconut.  I am going to give whole 365 coconut milk in my coffee a shot though.  

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