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Hyperactive Thyroid (Graves Disease)

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Hey All:


So today I started Day 1 of my #Whole30. However, I just took a glance at my thyroid medicine, I am currently on Methimazole for a overactive thyroid and realized that it contains milk sugar and starch (grains) YIKES! I did call my endocrinologist to determine if they are any alternatives I can take for the next month, I'm currently waiting for a response. 


Just wondering if they were any other Whole 30ers  find any improvements with their health while continuing to take medicine that was not complaint? 



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Just wondering if they were any other Whole 30ers  find any improvements with their health while continuing to take medicine that was not complaint? 


You can still get benefits, but you may not get the full benefits. Every improvement counts :)


Don't skip medicine and if you're on a budget you don't need to throw it all away if you get a replacement.

If you find an alternate, you can keep the old ones to use after your Whole30 until they're all used up.


If you talk to your pharmacist, they may be able to recommend an alternate brand, that has the same functional content, without the things you don't want.

Mine has been working hard to find me alternates without diary and wheat (no gluten for me, ever!) and soy.

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