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Sara's whole 30 log day 3

Sara M Clark

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HI all,

Well today was a very busy day for me! I woke up late and had to rush to get to the run I signed up for weeks ago. I did a 5k run Run for life raising money for Hannahs Hope fund. I wasn't able to eat before the run because we were running late. Well I completed the run, it wasn' t my best run I added 3 mins to my 5k time but I'm still happy with it. I've had a head cold for a couple of day and day 3 into whole30. So lots of stuff going on. After the run I had to have an apple as I felt a little shaky. It helped thou. Then we had to rush home to get ready to go to my hubbys company party. Running out the door I grab chicken and a sweet potatoe from last nights dinner and some salad and veggie. I ate it on the way up because I knew I was going to be surround by food that I couldn't have. Well the party was a lunch and dinner so it was pretty challenging for me but I didn't give in to that browine!!! :) YAY. When we got home I heated up left over pumpkin chili and had some veggies with it. Then I went on a 3 mile walk with my girlfriend! I don't feel hungry and the last time i ate was 5:30. I'm happy day 3 is coming to a close. The hardest thing for me about this challenge is not being able to chew gum. When I quit smoke over 3 year ago I became a pack a day gum chewer. I have been wanting to stop that habit for a while now so this gave me the extra push i need :) I hope everyone had a great day! I'm beat! I hope to sleep good tonight!

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