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Ready to start again


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Hi! I'm ready to start again. I tried the Whole30 starting August 1 and just repeatedly fell off the wagon. My problem was binge eating - I'd get stressed out at work and eat an entire bag of chocolate chips. It was clear that I needed to make some big changes. So I quit my job - today is my first day working freelance. I'd always done little programming jobs on the side, which meant I was always working evenings and weekends on my own stuff. I had the best weekend in ages since I wasn't dreading going into the office the entire time.

So I hit restart today on my Whole30 email subscription that I've been ignoring for a few weeks and I'll get Day 1 tomorrow. I've got my grocery list together and will go shopping on the way home. I think I would have stayed in a job situation that was clearly bad for me for a lot longer if repeatedly failing the Whole30 hadn't made me face that fact that I needed to make some major changes.

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WOW Christina, that is a major change in your life. But I do believe quitting your job was a good choice. I had to laugh at the whole bag of chocolate chips. That would be a real eye-opener for anyone I think.

Anyway not you are back on track and will do well I'm sure. You have the right incentive this time. Join us on some of the forum topics and you will find lots of support. If you have not yet bought the book "It Starts With Food" I strongly encourage you to do so. That book has a world of information in it as well as some recipes.

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I'm wrapping up my first Whole30 today, and I plan to start over again tomorrow (on September 19th). Not exactly the same start date, but I'll be rooting for you all the same.

And I have to say a great big "go you!" for having the courage to change directions so radically: quitting even a job you dread cannot be easy, and you are stepping out bravely in a major way. I can only think that is a good omen for your Whole30, even if freelancing brings unanticipated stresses, as well.

I would really recommend ISWF too, if you don't already have it.

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