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Starting Over Today

Carrie Winter

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I am starting over today after making it through 20 days of the Whole30, and falling off of the wagon HARD over my birthday weekend. Well, the weekend is over, and I am ready to do this! I didn't make any goals for myself when I started the Whole30 the first time, so this time in an effort to stay accountable to myself, I have made several goals. The first one is to hold myself more accountable by participating in the Whole30 forum (where I was only a lurker before). Next, no snacking. I know this is a rule of the Whole30, but with my first attempt, I found myself eating more and more fruit and even dried fruit throughout the day. I'm not going to let that happen this time. And lastly, I will make it through all 30 days.

A little bit about myself...I have been a vegetarian the past year, and enjoyed it very much. I was a long distance runner, and had just completed my second marathon when I was hit by a car two weeks later while riding my bike. Due to the accident, I fractured my spine in 5-6 locations, and have been forced to stop all physical activity (I can swim using only my arms and walk leisurely) until my back heals. Unfortunately, this also included having to quite my job, as I was a child care provider caring for 9 children aging from 2 months to 7 years. As I became more and more inactive, the vegetarian lifestyle I had loved was not doing me any favors and decided to give the Whole30 at try and see how I felt at the end.

I am excited and determined to make it through my second attempt at the Whole30!

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