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Welcome! Happy to have you here, and thanks, for taking the time to visit my log!


BUT... in all seriousness, I hope not to bore other folks with my daily ramblings. This is just a place for me to collect my thoughts, and mark some milestones along the way so I don't forget to acknowledge them. 


WHOLE30 #1 - START DATE: 01/01/16


DAY 0:


I'm about to embark on my first-ever Whole30 (yay!!!... I think - I hope - I pray!) on January 1, 2016!



  • I have packed on almost 40 #'s in 2.5 years:o That stings. A lot.
  • I've been strength-training with a personal trainer in a gym 2 days a week since January, 2015. This is good for muscle development, but not loosing weight. I've actually gained weight and gone up a size, or 2. Adding cardio would help, but the diet is the bigger issue at large (all puns intended). 



My introduction to the Whole30 came via this article on the inertia.com back in May. I was intrigued, overwhelmed and ultimately passed because I wasn't ready at that time to give up alcohol for 30 days. (I'm actually embarrassed to admit that, cause it doesn't seem like a big deal now.) 


But I came back to it, and made the commitment because:

  • Their tough-love approach to coffee and pancakes. (It's like I wrote those sections myself! Mirrors my opinions.)
  • I agree with the science behind the program.
  • I like the food.
  • It offers the support I need.
  • I'm curious to discover any food allergies I may have, and not be aware of.
  • And I truly believe I will loose some weight in the process, and hope to make this a new lifestyle habit that will help keep my weight in-check going forward.


  • I'm half-way through the Whole30 book after finishing It Starts With Food yesterday.
  • Started using the forum!
  • Kick-starting the Whole30 with some cleaner food choices, after reading how what you choose to eat (or binge on) leading up to your Whole30 will have a greater impact on the way you feel the first few days. 
  • Wanted the Thai Chicken Wrap from World Wrapps for lunch, but chose Salmon, Beef (no sauce) and veggies instead! *This is not Whole30 food - just a better option, more aligned with the program before I start it!

I am excited, and nervous for the days to come, but I am confident in myself, and know I WILL DO THIS!


To our health!








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Awesome post, Lisa!  I really enjoyed reading it.  :) Sounds like you are ready.  You got this! 


I hope you don't mind if I peek in on your journal as we begin...

Thanks, Sofie! Love for you to check back anytime!


I think the forum is a really valuable tool for all of our success, glad to know I've got company on this journey, especially in the same region!

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DAY: 1




Happy New Year! Okay, the W30 is here! I'm feeling somewhat like a child on the morning of their birthday party - I'm excited, a little overwhelmed (what do I eat? Wait, can I eat that? What's the code ingredient names for sugar again? How may berries? How do I make clarified butter. I need cheesecloth.) and a tad bit nervous (Hunny, please stop asking our friends if they want to meet up for brunch!). But as they say, I've come too far to back out. I've announced my commitment, and really, I can do this!


Yesterday, I didn't drink any alcohol. I didn't want my body to be processing it out of my system on Day 1. Plus, I had enough 2 nights ago that left me feeling crappy in the morning. I also ate a little lighter yesterday. I survived a NYE/Birthday party drinking water (brought my fave bkr bottle) and not touching any of the food! Nope. No matter how many people said the White Cheese Doritos dipped into store-bought guacamole in a plastic container were amazing, I resisted. I could even smell them. That's how much food scientists have invested in making cheap junk food a drug. No thanks! 


My head was a bit dizzy when I got into bed, and again this morning. Took a few minutes to stop. Maybe I didn't eat enough yesterday? 


Unfortunately, I had not planned my meals in advance. I know, shame on me! My boyfriend offered the solution: "Just have cereal." :mellow: He meant it. Bless his heart. He was trying to help, this is going to be a learning curve for both of us. So... consulted the book and off I go to the store to buy some spinach, berries and ghee. I will have to make another trip later today, once I figure out the next few meals. 


Gave my morning gratitude thanks to the Lord, drank a cup of coffee (fortunately, I've always drank it black and extra dark/strong. Like motor oil!), checked the W30 posts, checked the freshness of our farm eggs, made a grocery list and off to the store. 


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DAY 1:




Whew, Day 1 is almost in the books! I picked up Kerrygold butter and cheesecloth earlier to make clarified butter tomorrow, and made another trip to the store for fixins for the classic chili. I couldn't find a compliant beef broth (shocking how many have a form of sugar, and/or yeast!) so I searched the forum, and learned you can substitute more diced tomatoes. I also added an 8 oz can of tomato sauce. It's simmering on the stove right now, and it smells good!



  • I started! Who-hoo! 
  • I did not give into my cravings, and stuck with a compliant diet all day!
  • Tried out a new recipe.
  • Launched Instagram & Pinterest accounts dedicated to my W30 journey. (Cause these make it more fun for me, and keep me engaged in this.)



  • Meal planning & prep-work is essential to being successful. 
  • It's helpful to start this on your day-off (I took much longer to make Meal 1 than I anticipated).
  • I need to eat Meal 1 within the first hour of waking (back to that plan/prep thing).
  • Vegetables & fruit are awesome - I don't have to read any ingredient labels, and decode the evil food science! Why must sugar be in everything with a label?!
  • Noted with the veggies though - don't think my body is quite used to eating half a plate of spinach in one sitting. That had an impact. TMI, I know! But I doubt I'm alone on that one. Could have been all the olive oil in the eggs too, that was double the amount I would have normally used!



  • Alaskan Amber beer. I typically have one, or red wine, with chili. While driving to the store, I just craved one for the flavor, I could actually taste it. My mind was thinking of the ingredients I needed, and I think it just triggered the association. It passed quickly.
  • Red wine. I briefly missed sipping a glass while cooking dinner. More of the motion, not the actual taste. This too passed.
  • Oddly, I'm not missing the cheddar cheese topping, or Fritos I typically pair with my chili. A happy surprise there! 



I'm good! And still enthusiastically explaining this to my family, and friends, so I'm not over it yet! Lol. 

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Ya know what, for being on Day 2 of a diet, and for starting my period upon waking, I'm good! I'm happy, I have energy, I feel good, my cramps are really minimal, and I'm AWAKE. Not in like espresso-jitters-awake, but I'm bright-eyed! I noticed it last night, and was worried I might not be able to fall asleep, but it wasn't a problem. This morning I awoke at 6:11 am (day-off) naturally, and was alert, and rested!


I still felt a bit dizzy when going to bed last night, and again when I lay on the mat to do abs at the gym. It was faint, and the duration is lessening, so my Trainer and I agree that it's likely due to the carb/sugar detox. He also noted that at one brief point in my workout, my lips turned blue! :o But he said I was fine, and that I might need to eat a pre-workout meal.


Planned some meals for tomorrow & Monday, and a shopping list for Whole Foods. Also signed-up for the free 30-day trial of a meal planning site: Plan To Eat. It will take some time to get it all setup, but once I do, it should really aid me in meal planning/prep!



  • Chardonnay - only lasted for a moment when I sat down to read the W30 book. Again, I acknowledged it was out of habit, as I would typically pour a glass on a weekend afternoon to sit at the table and read or work on the computer, and it passed.



  • Made it through the day compliant!
  • Consumed Meal 1 within 1 hour of waking!
  • Resisted temptation - my boyfriend had a piece of apple pie tonight. Even heated it up in the microwave... the smell!!! He felt guilty about doing this in front of me, but I assured him that I'm strong! It was actually a good experience, to test my willpower. Not everyone (okay, no one) around me is going to restricting their diet like this. I need to be able to face temptations down!



  • Improved alertness!
  • Still no heartburn! (Take that Chardonnay!)
  • Determined coffee was not contributing to the heartburn. (Strike 2, Chardonnay.)
  • Reduced PMS symptoms. 
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DAY 3: TOSSIN' & TURNIN' (posted on Day 4, cause my fingers were too messy from cooking ALL-DAY to type!  ;))


So... being alert is great. Mental clarity is a gift, and I don't want to knock it, but... I need some sleep! The awakeness I felt on Saturday carried on through the night, and I did not get very much rest. I awoke at 7:25 am, about an hour or 2 earlier than usual for me on Sunday. Aside from that, I am still happy and doing well, which I am SUPER GRATEFUL (see, when you're awake, you SHOUT!  :P) for, compared to the W30 timeline posts that indicate today is supposed to just suck all around! 


Cut back my beloved coffee to just one 6 oz (I brew the Keurig on the smallest setting to make it stronger) cup with Meal 1* in hopes to get some Zzz's tonight. *Yay me, within an hour of waking again! 


Made a Whole Foods run, and to my delight not only did it start snowing (flurries only) but I actually found ingredients that are W30 compliant! It's so much easier to shop there! Albeit, at a price, but really, it's like a buck more on most things. Yes, this adds up of course, but their chicken, and eggs are great, I actually found a turkey deli meat without carrageenan or sugar, and "grass raised/grass-finished" ground beef (so hard to find it labeled "finished") and pantry staples like beef broth (I know, right!!!) and dijon mustard that are compliant! Even coconut chips and those bizarre looking EPIC (meat) bars. I picked up 3 for my bag/truck/desk in case of emergencies. 


Spent the rest of the day meal prepping, washing dishes, and doing laundry. Tried 2 new recipes from the book: the Italian Vinaigrette to marinade chicken in, and the Spinach Frittata to eat for Meal 1 this workweek. Note on that frittata - no way should it call for "1 bag (about 9 oz) of spinach"! The WF bag is 5 oz, so I bought 2 and guestimated 9 oz. Their's pictured is yellow, mine is green. Also made an unusual (to me) combo plate of a honeycrisp apple, coconut flakes & cashews, and turkey deli meat for a snack-lunch*. It needed veggies to qualify for a true meal, but it was my Meal 2. Grilled chicken in the 35 degree cold, for dinner and lunches.


MOOD: Overall, another good day! Still a lot of energy despite an un-restful night's sleep.


CRAVINGS: None. Even walked through the wine/beer/cheese aisle in Whole Foods.



  • Made it through the day compliant!
  • Consumed Meal 1 within 1 hour of waking for the 2nd day in a row!
  • Tried 2 new recipes.
  • Identified that getting up earlier to make/consume Meal 1 during the workweek might be an issue, so I planned and prepared the Spinach Frittata to reheat the next 5 days.
  • Cut back coffee to 1 cup, with Meal 1.
  • Prepped a Mason Jar salad to bring to work for Day 4's Meal 2.
  • Secured "in case of emergency" food.


  • Improved alertness!
  • Still no heartburn!
  • Reduced PMS symptoms. 
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DAY 4: Beep! Beep!! BEEP!!!


You know how the batteries in smoke detectors always fail in the middle of the night, when you're trying to sleep, around say 2 or 3 am? And even though you've removed the batteries, it still continues to beep away for a bit longer? In a scary - "I'm defying electricity" kind of way... that's kind of how I feel. Never mind that the day before, I was already a little sleep-deprived, under-caffeinated, and tried to expel all of my energy shopping, cooking and cleaning, I STILL could not stay asleep last night! According to Fitbit, I had a good rest between 10:06 am - 1:42 am, but it got a bit rocky for an hour (I recall telling my mind to stop thinking about whatever it was and think about sleeping instead!), then asleep from 2:42 am - 4:13 am. When my alarm sounded at 4:40 am, I woke up and got out of bed 2 minutes after. No waiting for the snooze alarm like I do every time I've ever set an alarm.


Headed to the kitchen first instead of the shower, to have Meal 1 (and coffee!) to make sure I had it within an hour of waking.


Insert Dolly Parton singing here:


Tumble out of bed, and I stumble to the kitchen,

Pour myself a cup of ambition,

And yaw and stretch, and try to come to life.


That actually played in my head by the time I hit the shower.  ^_^ Which I did after I finally managed to eat Meal 1. It was delicious, don't get me wrong! I'll make that frittata again (with a little less spinach though), and the plate looked beautiful! But I had no desire to eat so early. I was not a breakfast person to begin with, and haven't been since I was a teenager. I do now know that this might be why I always drank so much coffee in the morning. I learned from the W30 book, that coffee is an appetite suppressant. When I started eating Meal 1 before sipping coffee yesterday, I barely wanted it by the time I was done with the meal. This is going to take some adjusting. Tomorrow I will shower first, then eat. 


I did have another cup of coffee post-shower, but resisted the urge to get another cup at work. Mostly to cut back on the caffeine that may be hurting my sleep, but also to keep me out of the kitchen/break room at work where there is typically catered breakfast. I also re-filled my water bottle before leaving the house so I wouldn't have to go in there first thing. I did go in there later to refill on water, and to drop-off the box of Frango's from home that I received at Christmas. And it's hard for me to part with Frango's! Proud of myself!


Brought my Mason Jar Chicken Salad for lunch, and stuck to the plan! Also moved the bottle of bourbon that my boss and I share (I have a cool boss) from the shelf above my desk over to his, out of my sight. I'll have to explain when he returns from vacation.


Kept a normal demeanor at work, although to myself I cringed every time my co-worker chomped a tortilla chip at lunch. I swear, they were SO loud! But I didn't want them, I just noticed the noise, as in a sound I haven't heard for a few days - that of something fried cracking. So I crunched my carrots along with.


MOOD: Same as yesterday, still positive and alert, but my body is getting tired. 


CRAVINGS: My mind kept thinking of something sweet, specifically cake batter (the flavor, like my favorite ice cream, not actual batter. I think?...Not going down this road!) when I got home. My boyfriend works late tonight, so I have the house to myself. No one to hold me accountable but me. So I read through a food journal I bought, looked at photos from summer to remind me that I don't look the way I want to (coincidentally holding a cake batter ice cream cone in one pic - cause & effect!), got on here instead, and drank another bottle of water! Craving passed! 



  • Made it through Day 4 compliant!
  • Consumed Meal 1 within 1 hour of waking for the 3rd day in a row!
  • Stuck to my meal plan.
  • Survived the W30 at work.
  • Cut back coffee to 2 cups (instead of usual 3-4 on a workday).
  • Removed temptations (chocolate and bourbon).
  • Found non-food distractions to pass a craving!


  • Improved alertness!
  • Still no heartburn!
  • Reduced PMS symptoms. 
  • Super hydrated. Consumed 80 oz of water and it's only 8 pm.
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DAY 5 & 6: Excuse me while I YAWN...

It's now Day 7, and I am finally posting my Day 5 & 6 logs. Let's just say I haven't been running as full-steam-ahead as I was the previous days. I still have consistent even energy throughout the day, and a pretty sharp mind, but I haven't achieved that dream sleep as of yet, and it is wearing on my body. I find myself yawning a lot. I haven't felt the need to take a nap though, just really hoping for a solid night of sleep. 


DAY 5:


Struggled a bit with my workout, despite adding a Pre-Workout Meal 40 mins prior (also followed with a Post-Workout Meal). I think it's due to my body being tired. We did body measurements today - BUT... I still honored the rules! I told my trainer (different one than on Day 2) about the plan, and she was awesome at keeping the readings hidden from me! She printed out the results, and folded the paper so I couldn't read it, Once home, I sealed it in an envelope, wrote myself some notes on it, and placed it on top of my scale, both outta-sight, stored underneath our hallway bathroom vanity. My gym uses an amazing "Professional Body Composition Analyzer" - the InBody570 (I would love to have one at home, but they cost almost $11K!), that measures everything (too much to list) so I really wanted to have these measurements for comparison at the end. I weighed myself on my Fitbit Aria scale (thank you, Mom & Dad for this Christmas gift!) on Day 0, and assume the weight could not have changed by more than a pound (or 3 if water weight) by day 5. I will do another InBody570 test a few days after completing the W30, this should all give me clear metrics of the progress!


On the body note, I do feel some reduction! The bloating (I'll never know if period-related, or non-compliant food related) is gone, my jeans are in no way loose but at least they are no longer uncomfortably tight around my gut, and I see more definition in my upper arms and thigh muscles. I swear I actually felt the sides of my torso whittling in, like an hourglass on the night of Day 5! I am not saying there is a drastic visible change, but I can feel things shifting for the better, and I am excited!


DAY 6: 


My favorite cooking authority, America's Test Kitchen, just released a new cookbook: Paleo Perfected! Ordered it, along with their book devoted to meat. Can't wait to try out some new recipes! Feeling inspired, I created something new for Meal 3: Taco Meat and Butternut Squash (captured on Instagram and Pinterest). 


Also expressed my sincere gratitude to my boyfriend for being so supportive of me! I appreciate his help, and would not want to go through this without it. And my best friend is my daily check-in, and her encouragement means the world to me. My parents as well, and most of my co-workers too! The likes on Instagram, and comments on the forum, from the W30 community are so amazing! 


MOOD: Good. Steady. A bit tired. 




DAY 5: I dreamt I was eating a frozen Red Baron Cheese Pizza! I don't even know that I've ever actually eaten one before, but I was in my dreams. I was enjoying it when all of a sudden I realized the crust was grains! (Completely overlooked the cheese part too!) And I panicked, and became so disappointed that I had just blown my W30! All my hard work... my commitment to myself, undone. So glad that was just a dream!!! It really drives home to me though, how much I want this for myself, and that leaves me feeling proud!


DAY 6: A glass of red wine while cooking Meal 3. I asked myself "If I poured grape juice into a wine glass, would I want to drink it now? No. Would I do a shot of tequila now for the alcohol effect? No." I know I like the taste of grape juice, so that told me it had nothing to do with the flavor of the wine. I may have wanted the slower mind state from the alcohol, but only in a familiar matter (I used to drink wine almost nightly, while it is rare that I do a shot of tequila. Like only when someone buys Patron shots at the bar and hands one to me.) It's the habit overall, and I look forward to breaking it. I drank water, and was fine!



  • Made it through Day 5 & 6 compliant!
  • Winning over cravings, and identifying the psychology behind them. (Except the pizza dream, I'll just chuck that into the "this is normal behavior on the W30" category!)
  • Consuming Meal 1 within an hour of waking is my thing now.
  • Fully incorporated being on the W30 into work days.
  • Reduced caffeine intake.
  • Succeeded in having a Pre-Workout, and Post-Workout Meal on my gym day.
  • Trying new recipes!


  • Stable energy throughout the day.
  • Still no heartburn! 
  • Keeping my body well hydrated with water!
  • Slight dizziness when laying down/rising is gone! 
  • Bloating is gone! 
  • Pants fitting comfortably!
  • Upper arms and thigh muscles more defined!
  • My teeth may be whiter? I'm not 100% sure, but I keep thinking they look whiter, and glossy.
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DAY 7: Week 1 is in the books!


Whoo-hoo! I've completed the first week of the W30!!! 7 solid days in, and I am feeling (mostly) like this is my normal diet.  :D


I hope I don't get in trouble for copying this, but my log is the best place to keep track of my progress, so I am posting this here. I also assume most people on here have signed up for the daily emails at one point, or have come across this worksheet on the site before. 




  • I FIND MYSELF CRAVING SUGAR, BREAD, OR SWEETS WHEN: I get home from work, and my boyfriend is still at work, so I am by myself.
  • WHEN I'M CRAVING SUGAR, I USED TO EAT: fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie(s), chocolate, Nutella, or drink Bailey's.
  • WHEN I EAT SWEET FOOD LIKE FRUIT, I NOTE (EMOTION, CRAVING, ETC.): it's very sweet, and I seem to crave more sweets later in the day.
  • WHEN I EAT SALTY FOODS LIKE NUTS OR OLIVES, I NOTICE (EMOTION, CRAVINGS, ETC.): it's satisfying (nuts provide the crunch texture), and I don't crave more later.
  • I THOUGHT I'D MISS EATING/DRINKING: grains and cheese BUT I ACTUALLY DON'T MISS IT/THEM AT ALL that much (let's be honest here. I did dream of pizza for heaven's sake!).
  • I HAVE THE HARDEST TIME STICKING TO THE WHOLE30 WHEN I'M IN: hmm... I haven't incurred this yet, but I will assume it will be in a bar in the evening, or a restaurant for brunch, both with family/friends SOCIAL SITUATION OR SETTING.
    • THAT MY EXERCISE OR SPORTS PERFORMANCE: is up (Day 2) and down (Day 5 - likely due to a lack of restful sleep).
    • THAT MY SLEEP: is restless. My mind races at night, and fights my tired body. 
    • THAT MY ENERGY LEVELS: sky-rocketed on Days 2-4, are still higher than pre-W30, but declining on Days 5-7 (again, likely due to a lack of restful sleep). 
    • THAT MY EMOTIONS: are good and fairly stable, even through PMS!
    • THAT MY RECOVERY AFTER EXERCISE: hasn't changed. 
    • THAT MY BODY FEELS: smaller! The bloating is gone (since Day 5), the sides of my torso felt whittled into an hourglass shape, and my upper arms and thigh muscles appear more defined! My face also feels smaller around my jawline, and I think my teeth appear whiter and glossy!
    • THAT MY CLOTHES FIT: better! Comfortable (not loose at all, but not pinching/squeezing in my gut anymore)!
    • THAT MY CONDITION (heartburn): is gone! Since Day 1 (I quit drinking alcohol - read the culprit: chardonnay) on Day 0.

MOOD: Happy, and proud of myself for my progress, and for honoring my commitment to myself! :wub:  And still a bit tired.  -_-


CRAVINGS: Red wine/something sweet. I've had a cup of hot Rooibos tea (my first ever, it's good!) since I sat down to type this, and now the craving is so buried, I can't tell you what I was feeling when I craved it! Again, I assume it's due to being home, alone. And habit. I also ate 1/2 of a medium Honeycrisp apple with Meal 1, that may have triggered the sweet craving.



  • Continue all the positive changes from Week 1 (aka remain W30 compliant)!
  • Consume last meal before 9:00 pm (bonus points if by 8:30 pm)!
  • Complete meal planning/prep/shopping over the weekend.
  • Try some new recipes.
  • Increase my exercise to 2 gym sessions, and 2, 30-minute walks on our treadmill.

I'm gonna keep rockin' this, cause I got this!  :lol:

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DAYS 8 - 11: It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change!


Welp, fast forward a bit, and it's already 1/2 way through Day 11! I've been neglecting my log because when I do have personal computer time, it's been dedicated to recipe searching and meal inspiration! 


I'm happy to say that I no longer feel like I'm on a diet, and just feel like this is my normal lifestyle now.  :)


Unfortunately, some bloating has returned.  :o My stomach felt flatter all week, and then after eating Meal 2 on Day 9, I felt bloated, and that has carried over all the way into today. Hope this is just a gut-adjustment that passes in a week, as the W30 Timeline indicates happens on Day 8-9! 



  • Day 8: Gym performance improved!
  • Day 9: Decided to make an impromptu stop at the stairs (a local park has a trail with 240 stairs). Made 3 round-trips. Calves are still burning! 
  • Day 10: Meal prep Sunday! Found Paleo Bacon at my local butcher shop - it's very different from "regular" bacon. It is brownish-grey in color, and tastes more like a pulled pork without sauce. Not something I will incorporate in my standard routine. I'll just try to save my (regular) bacon consumption for treats, like my Mom's Hot German Potato Salad she makes only at Christmas. I made the Spinach Fritatta again for Meal 1 this workweek, but only put 5 oz of spinach in, and added taco-seasoned ground beef to switch it up. I'm now convinced the book should read 5 oz of spinach! Discovered today that the addition of beef makes the fritatta really heavy, and extra filling. Tasty, although I'm still not hungry within the first hour of waking. Also attempted the Walnut-Crusted Pork Tenderloin, which came out very tender but the walnuts would not stick! Will have to do some experimenting with this one. My boyfriend loved it, and complimented it profusely!  :wub: He's requested I make another one this week. And he didn't even put any sauce on it! W30 foods enjoyed by non-W30 participants = success!
  • Day 11: Pulled over this morning to take a picture of the breathtaking sunrise! Now contemplating what to have for Meal 3... (between working of course... thankfully, it is a slow day!)


MOOD: Even. I'm good, and seem to be more relaxed today.




**Going forward, only noting the new items below. Will recap all of them on Day 31!**



  • Made it through Day 8, 9, 10 & 11 compliant! (This one stays, cause that is THE MAJOR WIN everyday!)
  • Cravings-free!
  • Trying more new recipes!


  • Haven't had a migraine this month! 
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DAYS 8-11: **Update**


Since the site is telling me I don't have permission to edit my own log, I'll just have to post this here. I meant to include a progression of the on-going restless sleep issue for my tracking purposes.



  • Day 7-8: Baked a sweet potato for the first time... and again, the W30 book recipes are not living up to my cookbook standards. Great for food-choice guidance, and inspiration, but the instructions are not producing the results they indicate. An hour into it, the core was still hard! I scooped out all the surrounding flesh because it was now 10:00 pm. Went to bed an hour late, and had a restless night.
  • Day 8-9: Consumed 80 oz of water... on the plus side, I was super hydrated. On the negative side, that meant I woke up around 12:30 am to pee! AH! 
  • Day 9-10: My loving boyfriend was trying to be sweet and slept in the guest room, so as not to disturb me at all - but this backfired. I kept waking up, wondering where he was, then remembering, then being sad that he wasn't next to me. SIgh... at least I was able to sleep in a few hours.
  • Day 10-11: My calves are still buring from the stairs on Day 9, and several times I became "restless" (according to Fitbit) because I had a cramp in my leg(s)! I'm not tired today though, I think I was able to sleep in enough to get caught up. 
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DAYS 12-13: Chef Lisa


I'm watching online videos on how to make mayonnaise.  :mellow: (Shaking my head.) I once entertained the concept of homemade mayonnaise, as in, 'I wonder if Deviled Eggs would taste better with homemade mayo?', but I never thought beyond that to actually look up a recipe, let alone make it! But that is what I've done now. I made the W30 Mayonnaise (with lime juice, as it was used to make cilantro-lime dressing) last night. And while I think the consistency is correct (a. because my food processor has an amazing small feed tube with a pinhole spout designed specifically for slowly adding liquid into the bowl, and b. I've now seen enough videos to learn that the real stuff does not get as fluffy as the commercial stuff. And really, why is that? What the heck is in that stuff?!), I'm not liking the taste of this recipe. Maybe it was the lime juice over the lemon? I think it could be the type of olive oil I used... I was hesitant to buy a generic brand "light" so I went for a gourmet "mild & buttery" (which I equate to "light") from an olive ranch I've been to in California. I'll have to try the oil on it's own, to confirm if that is the taste I am picking up. To be fair, I'm also not a mayo fan - it's great mixed into things, but I never add it to sandwiches as a plain condiment. So I'm looking for other recipes with different spices, and looking into the oil recommendations. Will try avocado oil too, see if that is better. 



  • DAY 11: Made the Tomato Sauce recipe with Italian-seasoned ground beef, and served it over zoodles, and some spinach (the W30 book nailed this one!). My boyfriend finally agreed that is looked good (cause carrots and celery seem outta place here), and ate the sauce over pasta. We both took if for lunch the next day (I just heated the sauce up and poured it over a big bowl full of raw spinach). It was delish!
  • DAY 12: But about my kitchen situation last night... I was on a roll! My former restaurant career skills paid off majorly, and it was the first time I had felt like I was back in the restaurant work environment since! I left work at 5:00 pm, made it to the butcher shop around 5:30 pm, picked-up 2 pork tenderloins for later this week, and skirt steak. Stopped by the house to check the W30 recipe book, and make a shopping list and headed to Safeway. Back home at 6:00 pm, threw the apron on over my work clothes, and unpacked the food processor for it's maiden voyage of making the cilantro-lime marinade for the skirt steak. Trimmed the steak, and marinated it. Made the mayo, then the cilantro-lime dressing. Sliced 2 sweet potatoes into 1/2 inch planks - that my friends, is an arm workout! - cleaned the dishes, cleaned up my mess sprawled across the table of work bag, grocery bag, food processor packaging and mail. Fired up the grill at 8:00 pm. Dried the dishes while talking to my boyfriend who just got home, cleaned & oiled the grill grate, and grilled the steaks. Note: the iWatch (sorry, Apple Watch, whatever!) is super handy, it has a stopwatch on the face that is perfect as a kitchen timer! Softened the sweet potatoes in the microwave, flip meat, stir potatoes, rest meat, grill potatoes, plate, slice 1/2 an avocado, snap a pic, and eat! (I was so excited, this was delicious! Grill marks always get me excited.  :D My boyfriend eyed my steak (he was full from earlier) and said it looked really good, that was the kind he liked (and he's not big on steak - I know, weird!. After dinner, I made a mason jar salad with the steak and the cilantro-lime dressing. He requested one too! I was shocked, and questioned if he was sure cause I only had the mixed greens and spinach, no iceburg lettuce, and he insisted he would eat it. Hooray! Today I got the sweetest text from him: "The salad was great little water* and everything was fantastic thanks for making it bye" *water to thin the dressing that was stuck on the bottom of the jar.  :wub:

Looking forward to leftovers tonight after the gym, and hoping to get to bed early. Only got 5 hours, 34 minutes of sleep last night as it was 11:00 pm by the time I got the kitchen wrapped-up (but it was all cleaned up!). Pretty good energy today though. If there is not enough steak for lunch tomorrow, I'll hard-cook some eggs to substitute.


MOOD: Happy, pretty enthusiastic about my kitchen work. And steak!!!


CRAVINGS: I still crave a glass of red wine when I cook. It doesn't last long, and I've never been tempted to act on it, but it sounds nice.



  • Made it through Day 12 & 13 compliant!
  • Trying more new recipes!


  • The bloating is subsiding!
  • My lower half looks slimmer (yes, black pants help, but these are familiar pants so I can notice the change)! The restroom at work has a full length mirror and I noticed my butt, and legs look slimmer today! 

 Calves have almost recovered, and now I'm going to go push them in the gym. Yay, pistol squats...  :wacko:

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DAYS 14-15: Halfway there!!!


Whew! It's Day 15!! 15 days down, 15 days to go! The halfway mark!  :D So happy to be at this point, because I knew I could do it, and this is the equalizer in the ratio of days completed vs days to complete. 


Last night was a great victory, we ate Meal 3 out! Went to our neighborhood bar & grill that we frequent, full of our drinking buddies, and I had an Iced Tea (unsweetened), 9 oz Prime Rib (I cut it in half, and had the other half at Meal 2 today) with the salad (no cheese, no croutons, oil & vinegar on the side), and extra plain steamed vegetables (broccoli and carrots) to sub for the potato option. I didn't trust that the oil was olive, it looked too light, like canola oil, so I skipped it and just put the red wine vinegar on my salad. It was fine. But what I did notice was how expensive it is to eat out! I always was aware, but when you're drinking, you don't care as much. Now that I'm cooking better meals at home, for a quarter of the price, I mind quite a bit! All of our friends were very supportive! 


MOOD: Happy, and proud! 





  • Made it through Day 14 & 15 compliant!
  • Made it through dining-out compliant! 
  • Co-workers are complimenting my lunch (Meal 2) and asking questions about the program!



I want to do an update of that progress evaluation from last week, so here goes:




  • I FIND MYSELF CRAVING SUGAR, BREAD, OR SWEETS WHEN: I get home from work, and my boyfriend is still at work, so I am by myself. Never. I really don't! Now I find an apple to be almost too sweet (the Honeycrisp variety at least) and Sweet Potatoes - I feel like these are a guilty pleasure, they are sweet and caramelize when roasted, like eating a pie! That's all the sugar-sweetness I need!
  • SOMETIMES, I THINK I'M HUNGRY, BUT I'M ACTUALLY JUST: bored. I really don't crave food in-between meals. I never snack, don't even sample the ingredients as I'm prepping/cooking!
  • WHEN I'M CRAVING SUGAR, I USED TO EAT: fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie(s), chocolate, Nutella, or drink Bailey's.
  • WHEN I EAT SWEET FOOD LIKE FRUIT, I NOTE (EMOTION, CRAVING, ETC.): it's very sweet, and I seem to crave more sweets later in the day. I'm content with one (meal) and done. Not having another meal with a sweet fruit/starch in the same day.
  • WHEN I EAT SALTY FOODS LIKE NUTS OR OLIVES, I NOTICE (EMOTION, CRAVINGS, ETC.): it's satisfying (nuts provide the crunch texture), and I don't crave more later.
  • I THOUGHT I'D MISS EATING/DRINKING: grains and cheese BUT I ACTUALLY DON'T MISS IT/THEM AT ALL that much (let's be honest here. I did dream of pizza for heaven's sake!). 99% of the time.
  • I HAVE THE HARDEST TIME STICKING TO THE WHOLE30 WHEN I'M FEELING: alone at home. I don't. This really is not hard, it just takes effort. 
  • I HAVE THE HARDEST TIME STICKING TO THE WHOLE30 WHEN I'M IN: hmm... I haven't incurred this yet, but I will assume it will be in a bar in the evening, or a restaurant for brunch, both with family/friends SOCIAL SITUATION OR SETTING. Nope! I did just fine in our favorite hangout-bar with our drinking friends! 
  • WHEN I EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST, I FEEL: full. Very full.
    • THAT MY EXERCISE OR SPORTS PERFORMANCE: is up (Day 2) and down (Day 5 - likely due to a lack of restful sleep). has been improving, or at least not getting worse.
    • THAT MY SLEEP: is restless. My mind races at night, and fights my tired body. Is still a roller-coaster, but that may be due to staying up later to prep/cook/clean.
    • THAT MY ENERGY LEVELS: sky-rocketed on Days 2-4, are still higher than pre-W30, but declining on Days 5-7 (again, likely due to a lack of restful sleep). are steady throughout the day! No 3:00 pm crash! 
    • THAT MY EMOTIONS: are good and fairly stable, even through PMS! are even, I feel a bit more relaxed when driving!
    • THAT MY RECOVERY AFTER EXERCISE: hasn't changed. I think it's getting better...?
    • THAT MY BODY FEELS: smaller! The bloating is gone (since Day 5), the sides of my torso felt whittled into an hourglass shape and my upper arms and thigh muscles appear more defined! My face also feels is smaller around my jawline, and I think my teeth appear whiter and glossy! My stomach and butt are flatter. My skin is softer, no flaky elbows! My cheeks are not as puffy, or flushed - my skin tone is more even. My nails are stronger, and the tips are whiter. I have cavities on my wisdom teeth (that I'm procrastinating in dealing with) and these seem to be healing a bit.
    • THAT MY CLOTHES FIT: better! Comfortable (not loose at all, but not pinching/squeezing in my gut anymore)! My underwear is on the verge of being loose... 
    • THAT MY CONDITION (heartburn): is gone! Since Day 1 (I quit drinking alcohol - read the culprit: chardonnay) on Day 0. *Had a few tiny, brief flares after eating highly acidic foods like the balsamic vinaigrette or tomato sauce dishes. 
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Fast-forward through Days 16-21...oops!


DAY 22: Hello! (Can't say that without hearing Adele's voice singing in my head!)


Welp. Here it is, already Day 22! The time has just flown by, and I just haven't made the effort to journal in awhile. But week 3 is in the books, and week 4 is underway! It's the evening, so there's almost only 7 days left on my 1st W30! WHOA!!!


MOOD: It feels really good to be here! I'm a bit scared of course, to know it's ending though... I've worked really hard, and I don't want to undo any of my hard work! 


CRAVINGS: None when awake. Have dreamt about cookies once, and this morning about little desert bars - served at a reception. Both times though, I thought about them as cheating on my W30, and the impact they would have if I ate them! 



  • Made it through Day 16-22 compliant!
  • Slayed that sugar dragon! I went to the office breakroom to fill my water bottle and found an entire spread of Top Pot doughnuts - several of every flavor they make! It was impressive, and pretty. (The sales team had made their monthly goals, and were celebrating.) I acknowledged their beauty (they are really fun looking, and were well-presented) while filling my water bottle, and walked away. 2 co-workers noticed, and asked me how I did that...
  • Co-workers are complimenting my lunch (Meal 2) and asking questions about the program! **Update: I may have recruited 2 into trying the W30 (1 is noticing that her diet plan is not going as well as mine). Also noticed another co-worker is well aware that I'm enjoying mine while she is hating hers. She hasn't expressed interest though.



Updating the weekly progress evaluation (answers: 1st week, 2nd week, 3rd week):




    • I get home from work, and my boyfriend is still at work, so I am by myself. 
    • Never. I really don't! Now I find an apple to be almost too sweet (the Honeycrisp variety at least) and Sweet Potatoes - I feel like these are a guilty pleasure, they are sweet and caramelize when roasted, like eating a pie! That's all the sugar-sweetness I need!
    • I don't! Not even when being offered a spread of every, pretty-decorated Top Pot doughnut - I didn't desire it!

    • bored. 
    • I really don't crave food in-between meals. I never snack, don't even sample the ingredients as I'm prepping/cooking!
    • Same as all above. I'm good!

  • WHEN I'M CRAVING SUGAR, I USED TO EAT: fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie(s), chocolate, Nutella, or drink Bailey's.
    • it's very sweet, and I seem to crave more sweets later in the day. 
    • it's very sweet, I'm content with one (meal) and done. Not having another meal with a sweet fruit/starch in the same day.
    • same as all above.

    • it's satisfying (nuts provide the crunch texture), and I don't crave more later.
    • same as above.
    • (I've since added olives) same as above, and the olives are filling.

    • that much (let's be honest here. I did dream of pizza for heaven's sake!). 
    • 99% of the time.
    • At all! I seriously don't miss them. And I know I enjoyed cheese a lot in the past - but I just don't need it!

    • so many eggs (eggs everyday)
    • so many eggs (eggs everyday) or sweet potatoesI LOVE SWEET POTATOES!
    • (Homemade) Mayonnaise! Never saw that one coming, but I do! I've never liked mayo on it's own - mixed into dips, deviled eggs, fine. Solo spread on my sandwich - ew, gross. I've scraped it off many, many times! Now, I eat 1-2 tablespoons of it! Dip my chicken/veggies in it, lick the spoon even! Who am I?!

    • alone at home.
    • I don't. This really is not hard, it just takes effort.
    • It's become my lifestyle. I don't struggle with it one bit!

    • hmm... I haven't incurred this yet, but I will assume it will be in a bar in the evening, or a restaurant for brunch, both with family/friends
    • Nope! I did just fine in our favorite hangout-bar with our drinking friends! 
    • Same as week 2! We have a reunion with old bar-friends tomorrow night, at our old hangout bar, and I have no concerns at all! I plan to eat all of my meals at home, including Meal 3 before we go (I don't know what the new bar's food is like, and I want to focus on socializing, not eating), and have unsweeted iced tea (and tell everyone how cool it is to be on Day 23 of the W30!).

    • full.
    • very full.
    • full for about 5 1/2 hours.


    • ​is up (Day 2) and down (Day 5 - likely due to a lack of restful sleep). 
    • has been improving, or at least not getting worse.
    • is gradually improving. My trainer said so tonight, so there's the validation! 

    • ​is restless. My mind races at night, and fights my tired body. 
    • Is still a roller-coaster, but that may be due to staying up later to prep/cook/clean.
    • is getting back on track (I still need to get to bed earlier... goals).

    • sky-rocketed on Days 2-4, are still higher than pre-W30, but declining on Days 5-7 (again, likely due to a lack of restful sleep). 
    • are steady throughout the day! No 3:00 pm crash! 
    • same as Week 2.

    • are good and fairly stable, even through PMS! 
    • are even, I feel a bit more relaxed when driving!
    • Steady. I'm just good!

    • hasn't changed.
    • I think it's getting better...?
    • Must be improving because I was not a sore (from working out 2 days ago) going into, or after, my workout tonight.

    • smaller! The bloating is gone (since Day 5), the sides of my torso felt whittled into an hourglass shape, and my upper arms and thigh muscles appear more defined! My face also feels smaller around my jawline, and I think my teeth appear whiter and glossy!
    • smaller! The bloating is gone and my upper arms and thigh muscles appear more defined! My face is smaller around my jawline, and my teeth appear whiter and glossy! My stomach and butt are flatter. My skin is softer, no flaky elbows! My cheeks are not as puffy, or flushed - my skin tone is more even. My nails are stronger, and the tips are whiter. I have cavities on my wisdom teeth (that I'm procrastinating in dealing with) and these seem to be healing a bit.
    • Same as Week 2! I know I have a long way to go to my goal weight, but I actually feel "skinny" when walking! It's an awesome feeling!

    • better! Comfortable (not loose at all, but not pinching/squeezing in my gut anymore)!
    • My underwear is on the verge of being loose... 
    • All of the above. My belt has gone down a hole comfortably, and I am able to go down another hole, as a tighter fit (but not too tight)! 

  • THAT MY CONDITION (heartburn): 
    • is gone! Since Day 1 (I quit drinking alcohol - read the culprit: chardonnay) on Day 0.
    • *Had a few tiny, brief flares after eating highly acidic foods like the balsamic vinaigrette or tomato sauce dishes. 
    • Mostly gone. I get brief, random flashes - but nothing unbearable, or long-lasting. The dragon's fire that used to wake me up, and greet me every morning, and sometimes into the day - that is all gone!

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DAY 29: My first W30 is almost complete!


I'll do a massive recap of my experience this weekend, on Day 31.  So I'll just post a little update to capture Days 23-29 now.


I also wanted to make note of a profound epiphany I had this morning while getting ready. And really, I can't believe this just never hit me before, like, what kind of sedentary lifestyle had I fallen into prior that just made me blind as a bat to healthier concepts?


Due to a current remodeling project, my start-time for work is a bit more flexible. And sometimes, I push it a little too much... my Boyfriend made no comment, but I could tell that he was bit annoyed (out of concern) that I was running so far behind this morning. After he left (before me) I thought about how I really should commit to getting to work earlier, just to set the precedent. Since beginning the W30, I have switched to bringing my lunch every. single. day. I've identified the things I could buy in our cafes, in case of emergency, but have resigned those options to literal emergencies - like the Epic bars I carry around, but still haven't opened. These are not excuses, crutches, or the lazy way out, and I've clearly outlined the rules to myself. So, I make sure to prepare a meal every night for the following work day lunch, and pack it with me every work day. This ensures I never have to worry about it, think about it, or struggle to make the right choice. It also means I'm saving a lot of money! The cost of preparing your food, even using high-quality ingredients, is far less expensive than eating out! I was spending between $40-$70 a week before on lunch alone. Also due to construction, I am now sitting at my other desk (where I sit on Fridays), in an area that accommodates me to eat at my desk. It's winter, cold and rainy, I have no desire to walk outside to another building just to go eat in the cafes, so I prefer my desk. Plus, the more I sit with some of my co-workers, and hear their conversation, the less interested I am in going to have a more extended conversation over a group lunch! Since most of the time I end up working, I realize I'm not really taking a mental/physical break from work (and toxic co-worker chatter). Financially, I try to compensate for the extra time by arriving later, or leaving earlier when possible. But, if I start arriving earlier everyday, I need to make sure I take a full hour lunch.And once we reopen, my hours will return to a set 8 to 5. But, I don't have errands to run every day, maybe once a week at best. And I like eating at my desk, and can continue to do so, even after we reopen. So I'm planning to eat at my desk while continuing to work, and start wearing or bringing cushioned dress-shoes/boots and a really well fitting rain jacket (I need to source one with a hood that stays put in the wind!) and start going for 1 hour walks around campus as my "lunch break". Genius! Mind blown. 


How did this not ever occur to me before? I'm not talking about running, hiking, or massive stair-climbing, just walking. Doesn't require athletic clothes/shoes. Not intending to break a sweat. Just walking to aid in digestion, get some activity in, and clear my mind. I'm looking forward to having this time to myself! This is a perfect example of how the W30 has changed me. And I am so grateful! I love it! Thank you, Lord, for showing me the way!


MOOD: Happy, and proud! 


CRAVINGS: We did return to our hangout bar last night (only the 2nd meal I've eaten on the W30 that I didn't prepare) and the smell of the burgers and fried food was tempting. So was the thought of a glass of wine. But no, I stayed strong, ordered the prime rib with just plain steamed veggies and unsweetened iced tea.



  • Made it through Days 23-28 (it's the morning of the Day 29) compliant!
  • Made it through dining-out again compliant! 


  • Reduced PMS symptoms (yup, I started the W30, and am ending the W30 with my period. Talk about how to test my discipline!)
    • No migraines this period. I usually get 1 the week leading up, and 1 during.
    • No chocolate-sugar-sweets cravings (always get those!)
    • Cramps are present, but not horrible.
  • Improved workout performance! My Trainer last Friday said my performance had improved, which he typically noted in people who give up carbs (grains) and that I was able to do an intense core (ab) workout that he can't do with many clients. Most people cannot hold the move, but I did well with it! And my last workout 2 days ago, I was dreading it - it was the first day of my period, I was tired, and crampy... I just wanted to get it over with, but my performance was my best yet! I've never pushed so hard through pistol squats! I'm actually looking forward to tonight's workout, to see how I do!
  • I continue to feel "slimmer", and a friend noted that my face was smaller! 
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