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TTC and Whole30


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My husband and I have decided to TTC starting next week after I get my Paragard removed. I'll be on week 2 of my second Whole30. Anything I should take precautions for? The current multivitamin I take has 200% DV of folic acid; should I add an additional supplement?

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You don't need to add an additional supplement apart from a prenatal if you are getting adequate nutrition through your diet, which you are on the Whole30. However, I know the recommendation from integrative or functional practitioners for "folic acid" supplementation is to actually take a vitamin with FOLATE instead of folic acid. It will be listed as “5-methyltetrahydrofolate” or “5-MTHF." Chris Kresser has a great article on the difference between folic acid and folate and some recommendations on brands of vitamins you can take when TTC: http://chriskresser.com/folate-vs-folic-acid.


Good luck!

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From my experience, if I don't eat enough starchy veggies I tend to spot pretty heavily, which is not ideal when TTC (I think?). So just make sure you're eating more than the minimum serving size of starchy veggies. Usually, if I eat a fist sized serving at two (or all meals) that is enough to keep my cycle on track. Good luck and baby dust! 

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Also, if you've never been tested, MTHFR is something you may want to check before starting a pregnancy.

I have MTHFR and I'm not supposed to take folic acid (it can be an additive in food as well as in supplements).


You can have a chat with an OBGYN before TTC, they have lots of great info on things like proactive testing :)

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