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Post Whole 30 accountability needed .....


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I think I broke the forum

I wrote a massive post about how I feel like rubbish entirely due to my own actions, then it wouldn't/ didn't post .... Christmas lassitude had me thinking I could eat whatever without consequences, which turned out to be a massive lie I told myself. Failed to notice wheat flour was the second ingredient in a pack of oatcakes.... Now in pain, bloated, nauseous, all sorts of nastiness

I need to be able to post tomorrow that I've had a clean and delicious day one....

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Meal 2:


MASSIVE salad (335g bowl from M&S) - with chilli olive oil and balsamic vinegar, poached salmon fillet... also delicious!


Tuna steak, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, beetroot for tea........ maybe a sweet potato with some ghee :)

Running 7.5 miles in an hour :) happy happy!

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Meal 1:


Same as yesterday but with left over brussel sprouts too!

Running tonight and venison steak for tea, feeling much better even after just one day of paying proper attention to what i'm eating :)


From experience it'll take a few days to get over the unintentional ingestion of wheat-flour....

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Yesterday - Meal 3:


Venison Steak (c. 100g), sweet potato with ghee (nom!), brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans & carrots AND a tin of pineapple :)


Breakfast/Meal 1 today:


Omelette with red pepper, red onion, courgette and beetroot, cooked in coconut oil.


Sadly no running yesterday due to a. terrible freezing rain, and b. hip pain... a rest today then a new 12 mile route in the morning (all being well with the hip).

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12 miles done, it was very lovely and not too slow given the biting wind and hail stones in my face .

Meal 2: Giant tuna salad with olives, beetroot, etc.....

Meal 3 is very exciting today, beef rendang - Malaysian beef curry with coconut milk, ginger, garlic, chillies, etc.... It's been in the slow cooker since before I went for a run and smells lovely, I'm pretty hungry already

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Run 6miles, short today because someone is viewing the house tomorrow so cleaning has to be done this evening... Meal 3 was tasty prawnstir fry with many many veg and leftover coconut curry sauce from the beef rendang, super hungry so also etc a tin of pineapple

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Yesterday was a total disaster, an arse of a day.

I went to buy chocolate for a gift, I went to the shop that sells ONLY chocolate and sticks of chocolate and I went at lunch time before eating my lunch - I was really hungry.


x4 dried fruit bars & 250g of dates later... I feel terrible, ended up with only sugars and no tea, bloated, ill, woke up hungiver & puffy eyed having gone to sleep at 19:00 hours :( Sad :(


Start again today but no meal one as I feel like utter crap - salad and fishes for lunch....

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