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Seeking help with my first W30

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This is my first W30 and I have had a few NSV thus far but I am finding myself not feeling as good as I did the first few weeks. Granted this is only Day 27 for me (started Jan 1) but I wanted to get some help bc I don't want to give in to cravings on the 31st and waste all that 30 days. I never really got the whole headache and tired thing, never got the tiger blood...basically aside from one night where I have a food cheating dream, I experienced nothing from the timeline of events in the book. Also, I have gone thru everything I eat and buy and made sure its 100% compliant. I wont give every single day but just a few from my food journal. Any suggestions would really help, thanks so much.


B- 3 eggs in ghee, 1/2 sweet pot & onion with Flavor God seasoning, black coffee

L- romaine lettuce, sweet peppers, black olives, tomatoes, avocado, homemade taco seasoning, ground beef cooked in EVOO.

D- Pork carnitas (from book), 2 regular potatoes w ghee

Snacks throughout day - small box raisins, clementine, apple with almond butter


B: 4 eggs in ghee, almond butter & apple

L: small salad, leftover meat from dinner(ground beef), sweet pot

D: small steak, roasted veggies


B: 4 eggs, leftover roasted veg, small potato

L: tuna, homemade mayo (from book), radish, dill pickle, scallions, tomatoes, Flavor God Everything Spicy

D: fish, homemade tarter (from book), 1 potato

Snacks: pistachios


B; 3 eggs

L: 3-4 leftover meatballs (made night before-80/20 beef, mushrooms, EVOO, Flavor God Garlic Lovers, with spicy sauce

D: 2 burger patties w sautéed onions, mushrooms, peppers, Flavor God seasoning, 2 strips no sugar uncured bacon, half avocado, butter lettuce leaves, large russet potato


B: 2 eggs, black coffee

L: small salad with EVOO and balsamic, leftover beef carnitas (pork carnitas recipe from book with beef roast)

D: pork chops with Adobo (Primal Palate seasoning), green beans, small potato with ghee

Snack: fresh berries

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Congrats on making it to day 28!


Remember, the timeline is a generalization and not everyone will hit every single thing on there. You're not necessarily doing it wrong if you don't follow it precisely. :)


That said, you're not eating very many veggies. Where are the veggies for 1/25 B, 1/20 B, 1/20 L? You should be eating 1-3 cups of veggies per meal, more if the veggies are uncooked leafy greens (like 1/25 L).

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Yea after looking back thru my food journal I did notice a lack of veggies. I was mostly eating them for dinner but still not the recommended amount. I noticed that I probably did too much fruit and nuts this time around. My second W30 which I hope to start mid February, I will def up my veg and slash my fruit/nut intake since my ultimate goal is weight loss. Thanks for the response!

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