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Buttercup Baby (Mj) Food Log


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February 19 Day 19


Workshop all day today. Slept late (OMG that never happens!) I am choosing to look at that as a positive thing, even though it meant I was rushing and could not eat anything though I was hungry. I managed to throw (lots) of food in a cooler to bring with me, didn't get to eat it all but I was prepared.


Breakfast Tea- half a Lara bar (in the car on the way) thank god I had one

Mid morning snack- Seltzer and a banana

Lunch-Chicken salad, water

afternoon snack- hard boiled egg and pumpkin custard

on the way home from workshop...another hard boiled egg

Dinner Chicken, roasted carrots, half a baked potato, guacamole and sweet potato chips

TEA TEA and more TEA


I passed on the take-out Chinese food that everyone else was eating...

overall a productive day and I stayed on program...really wanted a glass of wine when I got home though. 

I am tired enough that I am making my way to bed...

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February 20 is Day 20

Wow 10 days to go. Getting anxious as my freaking pants feel tighter today. 


Early AM - relaxed with a cuppa tea

Breakfast - my usual sweet potato hash (no pork this time) one poached egg. Yes I know I am boring-but hey its staying down.

Lunch- sweet potato custard, chicken salad...had to finish it before everyone else ate it. so so good. Tea

Dinner- hmmmm haven't decided what to make. 

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February 21 was Day 21

Early AM Tea

Breakfast was spinach frittata and tomatoes

Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash and meat sauce

Dinner was Chicken slathered with homemade ranch dressing thickened with mayo and ocean crusted and asparagus and roasted carrots


Was very bloated today and after dinner had stomach cramps, no vomiting. had to take an extra Zofran and a tums

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February 22 Day 22


Felt better this am. pants are looser. But this has happened before. I am getting used to this up and down. Trying not to panic over it. 


Early am tea

Breakfast sweet potato hash and a poached egg

Lunch was grilled chicken and tomato and asparagus at our local 99 restaurant with friends. I had no trouble ordering off the menu, and or asking for things to be cooked as I wished, (I did know the chef though as he was a friend of my youngest son) grilled no oil. I substituted extra veggies (roasted carrots brushed with olive oil) for the rice, leave off the cheese please and I supplied my own sauce (which the chef heated up for me to add to my chicken) and tea (of course). My friends who are used to my inquisitions over tea, never blinked an eye, nor did the staff, also used to my inquiries over how the tea is prepared and me supplying my own tea. Benefit of a small town. 

Dinner is going to be scallops, carrots, and probably red cabbage sautéd somehow. Sipping tea while preparing. 

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Crap forgot a bunch of days of food logging.

Oh well I will try and remember what we ate


February 23 was Day 23

I am sure I had my early AM tea

Breakfast was probably sweet potato hash and a poached egg

Lunch was left over scallops and spaghetti squash

Dinner was......hamburgers and I don't remember what else


February 24 was Day 24

Had the littlest princess so meals were catch as I can

Early AM tea was a must

Breakfast was sweet potato hash and a poached egg for me...for the princess it was sweet potato hash and a hard boiled egg with some fruit.

Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash and ground beef over tomato sauce...the princess had the same, with an array of other choices, chicken, guacamole, tomatoes, fruit of which she grazed.

Dinner was roasted carrots,white fish, zucchini and yellow squash.

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Day 25 continued 

Lunch wound up not eating anything else as I was cooking...ate a hard boiled egg at some point before dinner

Dinner was Chicken Stir Fry...awesome teriyaki sauce (recipe from the paleo site)



February 26 is Day 26


Woke up with a toothache. Bummer - was hoping dental hell was done. 

Early am Tea

Breakfast Sweet potato hash and a poached egg

Lunch Left over chicken 

Dinner Spaghetti squash and meat sauce. I do have some soup frozen.


have to bake tonight.... not a lot of energy probably due to dental hell...may have to take something for the pain my jaw is swollen. Baking may have to wait until tomorrow. Fortunately I am not hungry - though I REALLY WANT WINE!!!


Going to put some seltzer in a wine glass....not the same but it makes me feel better. 

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Shoot...I forgot a few days of posting. This is probably the hardest part for me. By the time I remember to post, I have forgotten what I ate.

Might have to resort to an old fashioned notebook instead of online. 


February 27 was Day 27

Breakfast -was the same old same old sweet potato hash and a poached egg. I know it's boring but so far it is the only thing that stays down that early and I am okay with boring. 

Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash and meat and tomato sauce.

Dinner was roasted chicken with baked potato, cucumber and tomatoes with a balsamic sauce.



February 28 is Day 28

What happened to my good sleep? Both hubby and I have not slept well the last few days...and coming off 2 weeks of great sleep it is a disappointment. Wonder if anyone else is experiencing this.


Early AM tea 

Breakfast -sweet potato hash (no ground pork this time) and 1 poached egg

Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash with a meat tomato sauce...Need to clean out the fridge of all those little leftovers to make room for newly cooked food.

Dinner will be Slow cooked pork butt with fennel, carrots and baby red potatoes.

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