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I am on day 4 of Whole30.  I am medicated for anxiety and depression.  Most days I'm very good with very little break through anxiety.  Well since day one, every night I have extreme anxiety that often leads to panic attacks.  It also means I am not sleeping well, which isn't good for me either.  Will this pass?  Is this normal for some?  I just started taking a magnesium supplement to see if that helps.  Hoping someone can give me some hope.

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No, extreme anxiety is not common.  However, for some folks with a history of anxiety, going too low carb on your Whole30 can make anxiety worse.

Have you been having carb-dense vegetables daily?

Feel free to post a log of your meals for the past 2-3 days, and we can see if something stands out.

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Breakfast has been 3 eggs, 2 bacon, a lot of veggies and 1/2 a potato or sweet potato.

Lunch day 1: stuffed pepper with ground turkey and veggies cooked in olive oil.  I felt hungry an hour later and had some chicken with an avocado, celery with almond butter and an apple.

Dinner day 1: chicken, baked potato, salad, green beans and carrots

Lunch day 2: spinach and veggie salad with chili lime chicken and cashews, 1/2 apple

Dinner day 2: sweet potato with ghee, taco meat with lettuce wrap, avocado, peppers, tomatoes and olives.

Lunch day 3: beef hotdog, some leftover ground turkey and veggies, roasted brussel sprouts, green beans and carrots

Snack before Zumba: apple with almond butter

Dinner day 3: beef stew with potatoes, celery and carrots in bone broth and a veggie salad

Lunch day 4: beef hotdog, chicken with 1/4 avocado, bell peppers and tomatoes, apple

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Hmm ... things look pretty good, overall. I would lose the fruit with the pre wo and add protein (nuts are a fat on a Whole30).

How is what you're eating different from what you ate pre Whole30?

Note: none of the mods here are medical professionals - I'd advise seeing your doctor.

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