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Sept. 25, Day 3 sucks!!!

Becca Smith

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Today is my first Whole 30, Day 3 SUCKS!!!! I woke up SO grumpy, my allergies were at an all time high (by the end of the day I've almost lost my voice!), and I was so tired I didn't think I'd be able to get out of bed. I have never been so glad that I signed up for a newsletter...I managed to turn on my phone and read today's Whole30 Daily- Day 3 email to me, explaining how this is all normal and part of the grand plan. My breakfast meat hadn't thawed over-night, so I had to improvise, I was too tired and grumpy to eat lunch, and now after a nap I am still too blah feeling to want to cook dinner!!! I'm a special ed teacher and I owe my students and staff SO much for putting up with me today. I really hope that this goes away soon!!!

All I want to do is order a pizza and drink a Dr. Pepper, but actually it's THAT specific feeling & craving that is making me realize how quickly I turn to food and motivates me to NOT eat crap and stick to the program despite this lack of energy.

Please oh please tell me it gets better!!!

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Becca I feel ya, day 3 I've felt ok but I've been very snippy towards my fiancé..I guess thats part of it..all I can think about is how good a beer would be to calm my nerves, but I'm saying no!!!

Maybe try bulk cooking so when you feel sluggish everything is already made in your fridge!!

Good luck hopefully tomorrow is a better day for the both of us!!!!

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Hi Becca

Although the :angry: kill all things stage is yet to come... Day 3 was by far the hardest for both me & my husband.

Good news is it is almost behind you and you've only got a little way to go before you start to feel amazing!

Stick with it, it is totally worth it :)

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It's Day 5 now, and although I'm no longer grumpy, the fatigue is horrible!! I have also felt hungry ALL day, I guess I'm not eating enough protein in the morning and afternoon, although to me it feels like a lot! I've seriously been a bottomless pit. And the cravings...I REALLY want a chocolate cake!!! But wow, I drink some water and walk around and what do you know, I've forgotten all about that Chocolate cake. It's really opening my eyes to how much of my eating was learned behavior/bad habits! I seriously need to get some sleep tonight though, I've got bags under my eyes and it's not pretty. My students have also been wearing me out...working with challenging behaviors all day is exhausting! I've skipped bootcamp this week since I've been so tired, but I really hope I can get back into an exercise routine next week.

However, despite all those downers, I'm really enjoying cooking new things! I've always enjoyed baking, but I'm becoming so much more confident with cooking hot foods now, it's exciting! I hope we all get our energy soon!!!

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