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Starting Whole30 for the 1st time!

Taylor Kay

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Hi Everybody!


I started my Whole30 two days ago (am on day 3 now) and I'm feeling pretty inspired, yet I'm experiencing some major sugar withdrawal headaches  :wacko:


I have been interested in the paleo lifestyle for about a year now, but never was able to fully commit.  I would be really good about eating healthy during my weekdays, and then the weekend would hit and I would spend it being hungover and eating greasy food.


A little background:


I was diagnosed with PCOS and as prediabetic when I was 14 and dieting and weight has something I've always struggled with. My mom put me on a lot of fad diets through high school that resulted in me having an eating disorder and a really bad relationship with food, and I've always placed the comfort of food over my health. I have now also developed a lot of digestive issues that my doctors can't quite diagnose.


After moving to a new city, getting out of a bad relationship, and being in a job that makes me happy, I finally feel that I am in a good mental state that will help me persevere and change my view of food and my health. I also want to know what it feels like to succeed in something like this, since I never have been able to in the past.  


Here's to committing to a new healthy lifestyle and breaking some of my old bad habits (especially being obsessed with scale). Cheers!

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Hi! I'm starting tomorrow for the first time the Whole30 too..

I've done a previous cleanse but not this intense before for about three months, a diet low in Fodmaps for IBS. I'm hoping this will take me back on track with my eating habits since I too have struggle with my weight and unhealthy binges here and there.

Good luck!

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hi taylor! i'm starting my first whole30 on monday, the 29th. i threw out everything sugar-free in my pantry and refrigerator yesterday, and cut grains and sugar (which is like cocaine to me), and this weekend will be dairy-free, and then monday the official whole 30 will begin. i also live in LA and am going to have few whole30 dinner parties, so it's not so isolating and lonely. you should come! message me for details if you like. and congratulations on day four! 

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Thank you for sharing Taylor. I really hope this journey leads you to your healthy life!


I re-started Whole30 yesterday. After having gone 13 days initially, I got derailed during an extremely long and busy weekend of working, (I planned and packed meals to take with me, but never had the time to eat more than one meal a day for a few days.) Then, I was ready to re-start right away, but I severely mangled a finger with my immersion blender while making sweet potato puree for Whole 30 Shepard's Pie. I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. So, for the past two weeks, I haven't been able to prep or prepare my food. Now, I'm able to use my hand more, so I'm starting again. I was already feeling the benefits of Whole30, I had more energy, my pants fit better, my endurance at the gym was increasing. So, I'm happy to be re-starting and look forward to completing this Whole30 successfully.

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