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ErinMarie's Whole 30 Food Log- Holy Challenge Batman!


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Mar 07 2016 was my day one, and it was unexpectedly hard!

I thought I had a pretty decent handle on this whole clean eating thing. I COMPLETELY underestimated how many times a day I went "off-track" on a normal day. Little things like eating a handful of cereal while I got the kiddo some after school, or popping a hershey kiss in my mouth as I walked by the candy bowls that are literally EVERYWHERE in the office. More force of habit than anything.



So- here is what I actually ate:

Day 1


2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

2 mini crustless quiches (made with eggs, a bit of coconut milk, peppers and greens), steamed broccoli, cup of blueberries and strawberries. H20


Cup of coffee with coconut milk


Large salad- butter lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers, 5 olives, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, 1/2 can water packed tuna. Lemon juice to dress. H20 and 2 clementines.


Black herbal tea, 6 assorted nuts (not peanuts).


Portion basked salmon with olive tapenade on top, steamed carrots, sautéed asparagus, 1/4 avocado. H20


Accidentally drank 1/2 my kiddo's juice box while out on a kindergarten tour :(


Club soda, roibois tea.


Overall thoughts: I was seriously hungry. I think it's because I skimped on protein. The mini quiches probably only have 1 egg total between the 2 of them, and 1/2 a can of tuna for lunch is pretty minimal as well.


Today, I plan on adding more protein to lunch as well as 1/2 an avocado to each lunch and breakfast.

Also- I read the chapter in It Starts With Food on preferred nuts, after I had eaten my walnuts and pepitas, so once I am through with those I'll go get some cashews and macadamias. Whoops.


I should note- I am basically a pescetarian- I don't eat meat other than fish, and I will try to stick to the rules of the Whole 30 and not incorporate any vegetarian sources of protein into my diet, unlike normal.



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Overall thoughts: I was seriously hungry. I think it's because I skimped on protein. The mini quiches probably only have 1 egg total between the 2 of them, and 1/2 a can of tuna for lunch is pretty minimal as well.


Dear Erinmarie, you were seriously hungry because you seriously underate across the board.  :(


Eggs, as your sole protein, should be at least as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping; for most women that's at least 3-4.  Make sure you add fat with every meal; avocado, drizzle of olive oil, ghee, homemade mayo etc.  Protein should be 1-2 palms. That's the size of your palm including thickness.


Veggies should be 1-3 cups with every meal and that measurement is for cooked or bulky veggies. If you're eating salad, you need nearly a wheelbarrow full to get enough.  Lots of us make our salads in old, large mixing bowls or you can make a reasonable sized salad and then add a couple cups of cooked or bulkier veggie. 


Nuts are not an optimal fat choice; they are high in Omega 6 which the western world tends to be over-done on anyway.  They can also cause digestive distress and in many cases are a food without brakes (ie, hard to stop once you start).


Your suggestions for yourself going forward to add protein and fat are great!  In order to give you the best possible results, check out the meal template linked below and see if you can make every meal match.  You should never be starving on Whole30....each meal should give you 4-5 hours between....and if they aren't, eat more at the next until you find your own personal sweet spot.  :)


Happy Whole30'ing! :)

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Thanks Ladyshanny! I honestly have no idea why I did that with the eggs! The past few weeks I've been making veggie/egg scrambles for breakfast during the week (M-F) and I've used about 10+ plus whole eggs 2 cups of egg whites, so I don't really know why I thought 1 would suffice this time! 

I am sure I am hitting my veggie requirements, as my idea of a serving of broccoli is basically a whole head. :)

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Day 2 Food Log: Meal 1 and 2 were on plan and great. Meal 3 was a disaster.


Meal 1: 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

2 mini crustless quiches (made with eggs, a bit of coconut milk, peppers and greens), steamed broccoli, steamed carrots, sautéed asparagus, 1/2 avocado cup of blueberries and strawberries. H20


Cup of coffee with coconut milk


Meal 2: Large salad- butter lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers, 5 olives, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, 1 whole can water packed tuna. Lemon juice to dress. H20 and 2 clementines.


Snack: 5 olives + 1 cup carrot sticks


Meal 3: Here is where things went to crap. Had to run home from work, let dogs out, collect kid, take kid to dr, take kid to hospital to get xrays, take kid to get dinner, run to Kindergarten tours (in retrospect- this was a terrible week to start). I thought I could just tough it out and be hungry until I got home and have my leftovers. I didn't anticipate not getting home until 830 at night! So I ended up eating some sort of kale/broccolini salad and some cut up fruit on the run. Pretty sure the kale salad had some honey in it, and no protein + fat :( 


Lesson learned for the day: PLAN BETTER


I'm an excellent meal planner- but- things have to stay on track and eat at home. The moment something comes up and I've got an appointment that runs long, or a kindergarten tour that eats into dinner, I've got no contingency plan! Normally, I would have eaten a bowl (or several) of rice crispies when I got home, but I resisted, so I will put that small victory in the win column.


Day 3 will be better!

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Day 3 Food Log- The sugar dragon sucks.


Meal 1: 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

2 mini crustless quiches (made with eggs, a bit of coconut milk, peppers and greens), steamed broccoli, steamed carrots, sautéed asparagus, 1/2 avocado cup of blueberries and strawberries. H20


Cup of coffee with coconut milk


Meal 2: Large salad- butter lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers, 5 olives, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, 1 whole can water packed tuna. Lemon juice to dress. H20 and 2 clementines.



Meal 3: Baked salmon with a spoonful of olive tapenade, HB egg, 1/2 avocado, steamed broccoli, sautéed asparagus, roasted cauliflower. H20


Herbal tea.


Lesson learned: Even though I eat fairly cleanly normally (my meals closely resemble the Whole30 template anyway), I eat a lot of little bits of sugar. I work in an office and there are candy bowls EVERYWHERE! Which is baffling, because it's in healthcare.. but still. I completed reading It Starts with Food last night and was stuck by one of the statements towards the end- that you don't have to eat something unhealthy simply because it's there.  Which I totally get but had never thought about it in the "You'll eat a piece of candy if it's available at work, but won't buy any to have at the house so why are you eating it at work?" context.






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Day 4 Food Log- The sugar dragon sucks (I want to kill all the things)


Meal 1: 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

2 mini crustless quiches (made with eggs, a bit of coconut milk, peppers and greens), steamed broccoli, steamed carrots, 1/2 avocado cup of blueberries and strawberries. H20


Cup of coffee with coconut milk


Meal 2: Large salad- butter lettuce, tomatos, cucumbers, 5 olives, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, 1 whole can water packed tuna. Lemon juice to dress. H20- Totally didn't eat all of this and ate some strawberries and blueberries. Wasn't feeling all the veggies, which for me is rare.


Snack: Water and 1/2 cup pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts.


Meal 3: Roasted shrimp from the Whole 30 book on zucchini noodles, leftover roasted cauliflower, 1 tbsp Tessemae's garlic lemon dressing on top,  rest of leftover greens etc from lunch salad. H20.


Herbal tea + club soda at night


Lesson learned: Eating this well, and eating well in general is a battle when you are taking care of a sick child and are exhausted.  Also, I need to make some sauces to liven things up a bit for the next week- maybe try  curry with veggies. 

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Day 5, 6, 7,8, 9 and 10 food log.


Day 5: 

Meal 1: 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

2 mini crustless quiches (made with eggs, a bit of coconut milk, peppers and greens), steamed broccoli, steamed carrots, 1/2 avocado cup of blueberries and strawberries. H20


Cup of coffee with coconut milk


Meal 2: Large salad- Lettuce mix, hard boiled egg, bell peppers, 1/2 can water packed tuna, EVOO, vinegar, cucumbers, sunflower seeds.


Snack: Water and 1/2 cup pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts.


Meal 3: H20 sautéed cod, steamed green beans and broccoli tossed down before running out to get the kiddo meds. I think I ate 1/2 an avocado also, but I'm not 100% sure. 3 pickles.


Herbal tea + club soda at night


Day 6 (Saturday)

Meal 1: Baked sweet potato, hb egg, steamed green beans,  2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

Meal 2: Large green salad with bell pepper, walnuts, tuna, cherry tomatos, cucumber, evoo+ vinegar. h20 and black tea

Meal 3:


Day 7: Sunday

Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled, blueberries and strawberries. 2 cups coffee with coconut milk (W30 compliant)

Meal 2: I started to get really sick sunday and have absolutely no recollection of what I ate after breakfast, which is bothering me.

Meal 3: ?


Day 8:Monday Things went off the rails here because after fighting off a 103 degree fever Saturday and Sunday, I was diagnosed with the Flu, a bacterial infection and put on Tamiflu. Needless to say, I felt/feel awful and have no desire to eat anything, let alone cook.

1 cup coffee with coconut milk


Day 9:

1 cup coffee with coconut milk

Small bowl of rice krispies with coconut milk



Day 10:

Black tea



I realize that day 8-10 have been totally non compliant. I am getting back on track today (day 10 afternoon) and plan on continuing the whole 30- I'll just add some more days to the end to make it a compliant  30 consecutive days.

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