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Starting another Whole30! Anyone else in the Albany/Saratoga NY area?

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Hi! I am not new to the Whole30 but I am five days into my most recent one...  


I love this forum - it was a great resource for me when I did my first Whole30 (April 2014).  So much awesome information and support is shared on it!


What I'm really hoping to find with this reach out is some local people (upstate New York) who would like to share ideas and experiences on here, including local places to shop and eat.  Tips for farmers markets and CSAs are more than welcome as well!


Of course, anyone (local or not) who wants to talk Whole30 tips and struggles is fine with me!  


Happy Whole30-ing!



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I am also in the Albany area!  This is my first Whole30, and I'm more than halfway through.  My fiancé and I started together on March 1st, and both feel amazing.  We are thinking about extending the program to a Whole60 or Whole90.  We have found it easy to comply so far since we are doing it together and have this forum to answer questions that come up.  I would love to get your advice, experience and recommendations since you are no newbie!


Thank you!

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