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First whole30 starting 3/21/16


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I read It Starts With Food over the weekend and am very excited to start Whole30. I have been debating about doing this for awhile but reading ISWF gave me the insight and confidence to realize that this is a manageable lifestyle change that will help me finally slay the sugar dragon and break my emotional relationship with food.


Can a moderator please look at my meals for Day 1 and tell me if I am on the right track? I'm coming from several years of counting calories and very rigid eating guidelines that I was never very successful at following. I am still confused about fat sources and how much I should be incorporating at each meal. Also based on how Day 1 is going, I'm definitely one of those people who feels hungry all the time even though I am trying to listen to my body when I eat. 


Meal 1: 3 egg scramble with asparagus, 1/2 green pepper, and some onion, 1/2 avocado

Meal 2: Protein salad (6 oz can of wild-caught salmon, 1/2 avocado, few sliced almonds for crunch, 1 stalk celery), 2 cups kale salad mix, basic vinaigrette

Afternoon snack: handful of cashews

Meal 3: Ratatouille with diced chicken and roasted asparagus


Are there any suggestions about how improve this or does it look OK? 


Also can someone explain how I should be incorporating starchy veggies? I am also a runner and I know I will need to be adding a post-workout meal.


Thanks for the help!

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Hi rouger,


Your meal composition looks alright to me.  Lunch might be a bit light though, leafy greens tend to get chewed down to not much so you might need to add another, bulkier, veggie.  What you need to be doing for the first few days is eating your meals and then assessing how you feel right after, 2-3 hours after and 4-5 hours after.  If you are starving at the 2-3 hour mark, this tells you that your previous meal was too small so you should work on tweaking that for next time.


Try not to plan for "snacks" (the goal is three meals a day, 4-5 hours apart comfortably) but if you do need to eat something, make it a mini meal of protein, fat and veg (like a regular meal, just smaller). And if you can't pull that off, go for at least two of the macros, ideally protein and fat or protein and veggie.  


Nuts on their own can be hard to stop eating and they are recommended to be limited due to being pretty high in Omega 6 and being known to commonly disrupt digestion (ie, hard on your stomach).


The days you workout, you are owed a pre and post workout meal that are in addition to your regular meals.  Depending on when you run (morning or mid to late day), you may not feel you need a pre workout meal and that's fine. The post workout meal is mission-critical for replenishing what your body depleted.  Pre workout food should be protein and fat and post workout food should be lean protein and starchy veggie. Fat at the post workout will slow absorption so should be avoided. Fruit in post workout will replenish liver glycogen over muscle glycogen so is also not a good choice.  Chicken breast or canned tuna and some sweet potato is a popular post workout meal.


If you are female, (your profile doesn't say, if you're not, disregard) you may also need more starchy veggie in general (fist sized serving per day is our entry recommendation) to feel your best.  You may find this need increases around your period and you can go right ahead and honor the need for more starch and more food in general.  

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Hey I'm also a runner on my day one, will be following to see how you're doing! I'm trying to eat starchy veggies at breakfast and lunch to fuel my runs, I normally run just before lunch. I'm having sweet potatoes with breakfast and corn with lunch. This is my first time going through and I'm not an expert so take that with a grain of salt!

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Hi jlynch88, I'm definitely going to follow you as well! I added sweet potatoes today and I managed to make it through the afternoon without having to add a snack. Just a note, I don't think that corn is Whole30 approved. Let me know what starchy veggies you find. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get tired of sweet potatoes pretty quickly!


Day 2

Definitely feeling the carb flu. I could feel it coming on yesterday afternoon and evening and was definitely suffering from some hangry feelings. My body is so used to eating 5 times a day that I have to keep telling myself that even though it is 10am or 4pm I am not hungry and it is not time to eat. I can actually feel a difference in my hunger between meals from yesterday. Adding sweet potatoes to breakfast and dinner helped and I was able to make it all day without snacking (unheard of for me!). Small victory #1. 


Workout: 3 mile run. I'm currently suffering from severe blisters on the bottom on my foot that have limited my ability to run for the past week so it was SO nice to be able to run even a short distance this morning. I felt a little sluggish, but got a nice post-run endorphin rush which carried me through the morning.


Post-workout meal: 1 hardboiled egg. I know I failed on this one, but I didn't do a good job thinking through my post-workout meal and I needed to get ready for work and cook breakfast. I still need to figure out a morning schedule to accommodate a post-workout meal and M1. 


Meal 1: 3 egg omelette with 5 stalks of asparagus and large handful of kale greens mix. Handful of blackberries and 1/4 large sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon. Coffee with coconut milk. Coconut milk is my new favorite thing!


Meal 2: Leftover ratatouille from Whole30 with diced chicken, large apple w/ a serving of almond butter


Rooibos tea in the afternoon


Meal 3: ~ 6-7 oz oven baked salmon, green beans w/ mushrooms, peppers, and onions from Whole 30


I got really hungry about 2 hours after dinner and after doing the hungry test I decided that I was indeed hungry and had 1 hard-boiled egg. 


Here's to hoping the carb flu is gone tomorrow!

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Ya, corn is definitely not Whole30 compliant, sorry!  It's considered a grain.  


Do not eat grains. This includes (but is not limited to) wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa. This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn and rice into our foods in the form of bran, germ, starch and so on. Again, read your labels. - See more at: http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/#sthash.jaL0PFE4.dpuf

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I'm pretty sure I'm going to get tired of sweet potatoes pretty quickly!

Beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, winter squash (butternut, acorn, pumpkin, kabocha etc), turnips, white/red/yellow potatoes.  :) Lots of room to not eat sweet potatoes every day!

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I have not been very good about posting, so here are my meals for the past few days...


Day 3


I felt a little better today. My headache went away and my head felt more clear. I was very excited about that! I took it easy on the exercise today, since my energy has been low. I definitely had more energy today though and felt like I was gaining more throughout the day. I was pretty happy with my eating on Day 3. I was given a cookie by a co-worker and instead of eating it, I found a new home for it...small victory of the day! I also ate a bigger lunch than I thought I needed, but it kept me full until 4pm, which is unheard of for me.


Pre-workout meal: 1 hard-boiled egg

Workout: 30 min swim

Post-workout meal: banana


Meal 1: Beef patty w/ 1/4 sweet potato and 1 hard-boiled egg


Meal 2: Leftover ratatouille and green beans with onions, peppers and mushrooms


Snack: 1/2 apple with 2 Tbsp almond butter


Meal 3: Grilled chicken harvest salad except with salmon. I subbed blackberries for the raspberries in the dressing and I'm obsessed!



Day 4


Today was a pretty good day. I definitely experienced Eat All The Things tonight, but drank water instead and was able to dull the roar of the sugar dragon. I am finding that I am pretty good between breakfast and lunch, but am still struggling between lunch and dinner. I normally eat lunch and dinner about 7 hours apart, so I think I need to start incorporating a mini-meal in on a regular basis at least for right now. I am finding that I am gradually going longer between meals before I feel hungry enough to eat.


Workout: 50 min cycling

Post-workout meal: banana


Meal 1: 3 egg omelette with roasted asparagus and kale greens, sweet potato home fries and a handful of blackberries


Meal 2: Grilled Salmon Harvest Salad


Afternoon Snack: Cherry Pie Larabar...I was in my car and needed something easy however this did very little to fill me up longer than about 15 minutes


Meal 3: Burger with egglant bun and avocado, green beans 

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Day 5


I had a really good day today! It is really interesting that I am noticing that my cravings kick up in response to certain events. I got some good news today and had the overwhelming urge to eat sugar and then I cleaned out my entire car and really wanted a diet coke. It has been very informative to notice when certain cravings kick up and reminding myself that food does not have to be a part of the response. I also feel like I am drinking way more water than I ever did, which is also a good thing. 


All the foggy head, low energy symptoms are gone, however I still run out of energy at about 9 pm and can't really function afterwards. Also I struggle for about an hour around 4 pm and have been having a mini-meal because I do go more than 5 hours between lunch and dinner. However, I am trying to get my lunch and snack gradually closer to 5 hours apart.


Workout: 20 minutes strength training

Post workout: Banana


Meal 1: Omelette w/ roasted asparagus and greens, sweet potato home fries, blackberries

Meal 2: Beef burger with eggplant bun and avocado, asparagus

Afternoon snack: 1/2 apple with nut butter, 1 hard boiled egg

Meal 3: Turkey burger in lettuce wrap with avocado, side salad



Day 6


Meal 1: 3 fried eggs, sweet potato homefries, blackberries

Meal 2: Went to chipotle and got salad with carnita, pico, and guac

Meal 3: Slow cooker pulled pork from here, fingerling and yellow roasted potatos, sauteed spicy greens, asparagus


I've done all my meal planning for next week and tomorrow is meal prep day. I'm planning on eating the carnitas I made for Day 6 for the rest of next week.

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I have not been good about posting here but I'm really loving my Whole30 journey. I'm so happy to be into week 2. My headaches are totally gone and I've been getting random bursts of energy around 9 pm. The first thing is excellent, the second I could do with a little less of!


Day 7

Meal 1: Two egg omelette with greens

Meal 2: Salad at Panera - roast turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, hardboiled eggs, oil and lemon

Meal 3: Slow cooker pulled pork, roasted potatoes, coleslaw from Whole30


Day 8

Workout: Vinyasa Yoga

Post-workout meal: egg whites

Meal 1: 3 egg omelette w/ asparagus

Meal 2: Roasted Chicken Harvest Salad

Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs

Meal 3: Pulled pork, roasted potatoes, coleslaw


Day 9

Went for a run for the first time in a week. Definitely had more energy on this run than I did on my first run after starting my Whole30, but still not back to normal amount. I forgot to eat a post-workout meal.

Meal 1: 3 fried eggs, 1/2 apple, potatoes

Meal 2: Apple and taco salad (pulled pork, spring mix, salsa, 1/2 avocado)

Meal 3: Turkey meatballs from Whole30, tomato sauce, broccoli

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Days 10 and 11 were pretty rough. I was definitely suffering from the last-ditch bloating, GI unhappiness that they talk about in the timeline. I'm assuming that this is what it was because I changed absolutely nothing about the way I have been eating. I'm feeling better today and had more energy on my run today than I did yesterday. 


Day 10

M1: Carnitas, fried egg, sweet potato hash

M2: Grilled Chicken Harvest Salad

M3: Made a salad at Whole Foods. Super disappointed with the amount of stuff that has sugar in the hot and cold bars. I was looking forward to mashed potatoes, but it has sugar in it! Also the only compliant protein was bacon bits. It was one of the strangest salads I have had, but it was actually pretty good!


Day 11

M1: 3 egg omelette with spinach, sweet potatoes, strawberries

M2: Carnitas taco salad with salsa and guac

M3: Salmon, broccoli, and ants on a log (celery, nut butter, raisins)

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