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Mexpatmama goes whole hog


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I was living in Mexico attending Weston A. Price meetings regularly, eating amazing foods like daily avocados, carnitas, and the pork fat dish my Polish friend prepared named something that sounded like "smelly". I've had the Nourishing Traditions cookbook for years.


But just recently the stars aligned to motivate me to take the plunge, whole hog. Today is day one, after three weeks of planning. Cleaned out the pantry over the weekend, have re-stocked with whole-some goodness. My partner is on board, as is my 10 year old daughter, to a certain extent. I'd like this to be a lifestyle change, not just a month of healthy living. So, from the get-go, I have made three allowances for myself: quinoa, Trader Joe's refried beans and lentils.  I like backdoors and exit plans and can get very caught up in deprivation mentality, so these pre-planned "outs" are my way of setting myself up for success. A less steep fall

then, say, Cheetos.


No dairy, no sugar, no wheat are wonderful for getting my always on the edge of explosion systemic candida in check. I'm taking daily probiotics, and am blessed to live near Hawthorne Valley, so have access to their AMAZING lacto-fermented krauts, including a new one with turmeric and jalapeños.  


Feeling motivated.


Let the roast begin!



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I was living in Mexico attending Weston A. Price meetings regularly, eating amazing foods like daily avocados, carnitas, and the pork fat dish my Polish friend prepared named something that sounded like "smelly". I've had the Nourishing Traditions cookbook for years.


But just recently the stars aligned to motivate me to take the plunge, whole hog. Today is day one, after three weeks of planning. Cleaned out the pantry over the weekend, have re-stocked with whole-some goodness. My partner is on board, as is my 10 year old daughter, to a certain extent. I'd like this to be a lifestyle change, not just a month of healthy living. So, from the get-go, I have made three allowances for myself: quinoa, Trader Joe's refried beans and lentils.  I like backdoors and exit plans and can get very caught up in deprivation mentality, so these pre-planned "outs" are my way of setting myself up for success. A less steep fall

then, say, Cheetos.


No dairy, no sugar, no wheat are wonderful for getting my always on the edge of explosion systemic candida in check. I'm taking daily probiotics, and am blessed to live near Hawthorne Valley, so have access to their AMAZING lacto-fermented krauts, including a new one with turmeric and jalapeños.  


Feeling motivated.


Let the roast begin!

By 'allowances' do you mean you'll be including these in your 30 days?

If so I'm afraid rules are rules, and by including off plan ingredients you will not actually be doing a Whole30, and if that IS the case I'd have to move your log to the Post Whole 30 section so as not to confuse people who may read it. And if it IS the case I'd really encourage you to actually go 'whole hog' - just for 30 days - just so as you can get the full benefits of the programme...

If I've misunderstood, ignore the above! And good luck!!

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Hi Moderator - yes, you can move me/my post. I am making these three allowances, to be used sparingly, but, yes. I know me, I know my household, I know my life, and doing this will make me make it through and likely keep going for an ongoing lifestyle change. 


(I thought there was a note that said the Whole30 logs were not moderated...)


I am sure I will reap a gazillion rewards from no sugar, no wheat, no dairy, no alcohol, no preservatives for 30 days, regardless of these three ingredients! 




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The logs are not officially moderated, however we do tend to check in on newbies to make sure they are on the right track, and also to pick up on any issues such as this one which could be confusing for others who might read your log at a later date and wonder why off plan items included throughout your 30 days when the rules clearly state that legumes and grains/pseudo grains are not allowed as they contain compounds that can irritate the gut.

I've moved your log to the Post Whole 30 section of the forum.

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