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Just curious...

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I'm interested in doing the whole30. However what I'm probably gonna do is choose foods that are simple to make, and are also affordable. So here's the question, are even the simple foods to make on here really good for you? And is it okay if I eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the Whole30? Thanks and God bless.

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Simple foods are my best friend during and after a Whole 30!  I grill chicken breasts up in big batches or make a protein in my crock pot, cut up and prep all sorts of veggies so they can be sauteed or steamed when I want them, and keep my freezer stocked with organic frozen veggies and compliant chicken sausages so that I can throw meals together quickly.  Hard boiled eggs are also always in my fridge.  This isn't about making elaborate meals, but making sure you're eating whole nutritious foods that match the Whole 30 template (1-3 cups of veg, 1-2 palms of protein, at least 2 thumbs of fat on top of your cooking fats).  Trust the template, it works!  


Also, I would vary your meals up as much as possible.  Eating the same thing tends to get really boring and you want to make sure you're getting a good variety of micro nutrients from different food sources.  I try to include at least 3-4 different colors on my plate every meal.  


Hope this helps and good luck!

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What if I switched it up weekly? So I had the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the first 7 days. And then my next 7 days I had something different than what I had my previous 7 days? And just continued like that? You know what I mean?

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I'm not a moderator, so I'd be interested to see how they weigh in on this but from what I've read and experienced, you're going to want some variety.  But if the only way you can do a Whole 30 is by doing what you're suggesting above, then I'd say go for it.  To be honest, it sounds like you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be.  Instead of focusing on 30 days or 1 week at a time, I'd focus on one meal at a time.  Buy veggies that you know you like and try different preparations (also, trying new veggies can be fun).  Find proteins you like and change up the way they're prepped, seasoned, or add compliant sauces.  Explore different fat sources and change them up.  It seems overwhelming at first, but it gets so much easier after the first couple of days.  Just remember to read labels for everything you're putting in your mouth.

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Anyone can do it.  It does take some getting use to especially if you're not used to eating this way, but it's not hard.  Do you have an instagram?  If you do, I have tons of pictures of my meals and you're welcome to browse for inspiration.  My screen name is jen_gets_lean.  Most of the meals I post are super simple and Whole 30 compliant (it's noted if it's not compliant).  I'm not currently on a Whole 30 but I'd say that 95% or more of my meals are completely compliant because I feel better when I eat this way.

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