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I'm Starting the Whole 30 Tomorrow (6.27)!


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So, I've been putting this off for the last 14 years. I say this to say, I've had issues with my eating habits since I was 14. After going to college (where I gained 15 pounds) and then moving to a new city (where I again gained about 20 pounds), I started to except my ever-expanding waistline and my impulsive food choices. But I can no longer deny that this journey has been painful at the end of the day after all the nights out and amazing meals, I am not 100% happy with my body and the way I've treated it. I've been reading Whole30 posts over the last few months and then quickly finding ways to divert my attention...until today. 


I'm so excited to challenge myself, and finally find out what I'm capable of over these next 30 days. And I also can't wait to feel to support and support others who are doing this with me. I've never fully completed a weight loss program or diet, I've fallen off the wagon, had an "event", decided I give and I should just be happy where and I am and created every other excuse under the sun. Well no more, I'm ready to do it!


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Thanks!! I appreciate the extra support. I'm just 2 hours in and already feel like I've fought off 100 cravings and tempting voices! I'm gonna keep going though! One craving at a time, right?!


YOU CAN DO THIS!! I would say the craving voices start off sounding reasonable, almost like, "Aw, c'mon, we're friends, aren't we?" They start to sound kind of whiny, like 5-year-old in the grocery store line who really wants candy, and finally start sounding absolutely crazy and become easier to ignore. Now, the voices are like the crazy sandwich board religious zealots who stand in the subway stations screaming about the impending end of the world - I tune them out pretty easily, and when I do actually hear them, my reaction's like, "Say what? You cray-cray. I'm going to go back to my book."


Every craving you fight off makes you stronger! It *does* get easier, you *can* do this, and it *is* worth it.

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I just started today- for real this time! I actually tried last Monday and made it through the week. But spending the weekend with family I gave in to pizza...and a cupcake. So after feeling a bit down, I am now more determined to do this for the whole thirty days.


Rachel, I hope you're right about the cravings!!

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YOU CAN DO THIS!! I would say the craving voices start off sounding reasonable, almost like, "Aw, c'mon, we're friends, aren't we?" They start to sound kind of whiny, like 5-year-old in the grocery store line who really wants candy, and finally start sounding absolutely crazy and become easier to ignore. Now, the voices are like the crazy sandwich board religious zealots who stand in the subway stations screaming about the impending end of the world - I tune them out pretty easily, and when I do actually hear them, my reaction's like, "Say what? You cray-cray. I'm going to go back to my book."

Every craving you fight off makes you stronger! It *does* get easier, you *can* do this, and it *is* worth it.

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