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R1D11 whole30 D3 AIP Fats make me sick!

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Im really struggling to eat so much fat compared to my usual 'healthy' (in the old fashioned way) diet. I had trout on a bed of salad leaves with olive oil last night for tea and kept waking in the night feeling sick. I had the same the previous night after chicken, butternut squash, courgette cooked in ghee. This morning I can't bring myself to eat, I still feel sick, my stomach is upset (as it has been for previous 2 days) and I can't bear the thought of eating meat/fish veg and fats for breakfast, I can't imagine eating anything at all. I want something to settle my stomach but in the past this would have been some form of grain. Really struggling as so far this diet is making me feel worse and adding additional problems that I didn't use to have! Has anybody else had the same problems? How did you overcome them?

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