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Workout times vs meals

Kerianne Regina

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Would love any advice for those of you who have worked out this already. My typical day consists of an early morning workout before school and then an evening work out (all sorts of combinations of crossfit, running, rugby, coaching althetics etc). I tend not to eat in the AM before I workout but get in a couple of eggs at the least after. At school I take large lunches of a large salad, and either a full piece of smoked salmon or two chicken breasts typically with an avocado. (however as a teacher my 30 minute lunch period sometimes magically disappears so i will go 8am-4pm on tea and water only... it happens). I tend not to eat my third meal before my evening workout because I have always hated running on a full stomach which leaves it till after 9pm.

I do find particularly late evenings leave me with some upset while I am trying to get to bed by 10pm. I also before w30 was a small meal snacker and only had 1 main meal in the evening and several small snacks (nuts, fruits etc) through the day.

Has anyone who has a full schedule or does double sessions been able to sort out something that seems to work for them. I should note I do not feel a lack of energy during the workouts but am starving by the end of practice (which may explain why before w30 I would down a few pints with the coaches!)


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I do multiple workouts and fruit is my friend. I don't deny myself fruits or snacks, which is usually nuts. I know whole30 is supposed to be 3 meals but, snacking is better for my stomach and energy levels for right now. I figure if I'm eating the good stuff, instead of the granola bars and pieces of chocolate I was relying on for energy before, I really shouldn't worry about it. I usually run my dogs at 5:30am so all I usually have/need is a glass of water but for evening stuff if I feel I need something a small banana is usually my go to. I've found green tea in the afternoon keeps me going until I eat dinner after my workout.

Hopefully this helps a little!

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you are one busy lady! If your schedule doesn't allow for three main meals....don't sweat it.

Get you small bites and meals in when you can. Snack are just mini meals. Nuts and fruit are ok but try to get protein in as much as you can. Hard boiled eggs, shrimp, jerky...are good snack ideas.

Small meals throughout the day with a good balance of macros is a much better idea than throwing down all those pints!

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