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How do I really know it's the food I reintroduced


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Hi Everyone!

So I've completed my first Whole 30! Woohoo! I'm currently on day 32/Day 2 of Reintroduction and yesterday I reintroduced legumes. I had a little peanut butter at breakfast, some black beans with lunch, and a little soy sauce at dinner. Yesterday I had no issues, but this morning I woke up with a minor rosacea flare up and some joint pain in my knee and ankle where I had injuries several years ago. I googled "legumes and rosacea" and "legumes and joint pain" to confirm these were connected and found that legumes were connected to both as well as a lot of foods I've been eating anyway on a regular basis, including spinach, avocados, and coffee. Can I really attribute the legumes to this? Or could the fact that it's been particularly busy with work and the fact that I spent hours running around with my dog at the park contribute to this? Am I overthinking this?

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Yes, you're overthinking this. These reactions, which you should carefully log, are why you're doing your reintroductions.

Remember to have at LEAST two days of Whole30 before reintroducing anything else. You may need more days to get back to your Whole30 baseline. And don't repeat the legumes (or any other reintroduced food) during your reintroductions.

You might consider completing all your reintroductions and then testing soy separately (and also legumes) to see what reaction you get, again, with appropriate intervals between the two groups. I did legumes and soy separately and I'm glad I did because I had a very different reaction to soy post-Whole30 than I did before.

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