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Wrong Meal Template + Too much Fruit


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Hi! Day 12 on the program and it doesn't get better. I'm just so sad and hungry, and bloated al the time. I feel like this is a kind of punishment sometimes and I don't want to! :-( 

My mouth tastes so bad I eat lots of fruit at a time, and I'm incapable to do the Meal template right.  Just ate half a melon, half a papaya and 2 kiwis. Plus nuts. Lots. Had my fish for lunch, alone. 

So discouraged. 

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You should not be tired or sad or feeling deprived in anyway - this is often the case though in people who simply aren't eating enough, and a tweak in the composition of their meals has them feeling much better in a matter of days. Fruit on it's own is always a bad idea as it impacts blood sugar, causes a spike followed by a crash accompanied by faux hunger, unstable energy/mood etc. And fish on it's own does not sound appealing to me. AT. ALL. No wonder it feels like punishment!

Can you list out a few days worth of your food intake along with liquid intake, activity levels etc so that we can help you troubleshoot? Please be specific with portion sizes, and especially veg types so that we can see if anything  jumps out that may be causing the bloating - although I'll say upfront that often the issue is too much fruit/nuts....

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