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Las Vegas convention for the final 6 days, will this be possible?!


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I was originally going to wait until Nov 1 to start the W30 since I knew If I started sooner I would have to make it through Canadian Thanksgiving, a wedding and this convention in Las Vegas, but decided to go ahead and start (to start reaping the benefits sooner) and if I had to go off plan for Vegas, well so be it.

Now that I am on Day 21 I realllllly don't want to botch the last week. It will suck to miss out on a few cocktails and maybe some amazing desserts, but I think I can do it.

I went GF in July and haven't looked back, so I definitely will be staying away from my previously beloved crepes at Mon Ami Gabi.

The hardest Part is that there will be organized meals within the convention. They are providing a "deluxe continental" breakfast, all break foods and lunches. They have organized dinner to a steakhouse twice, and italian place (where my only option may be salad) and a Japanese place.

Because of the nature of the convention, I don't want to be a pain in the ass, but also I don't *want* my Only dinner option to be pasta or sushi. I don't know at this point if we will be offered a fix menu or if we can have full choice selections...

I am coming in from Canada and won't be able to haul my own stuff. We won't (I don't think) have a fridge in our room.

Previously I would have relied on dairy (a latte or coffee and cream) to help keep me full to avoid the standard muffin/Danish tray but now that won't be an option.

Any thoughts?Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...


I did it! Requesting gluten free menus for the convention was key, and they provided us with lots of great, fresh food and even bowls of nuts and fruits for breaks (while the others had muffins and cookies).

I skipped the continental breakfast and ate at the hotel's restaurant At the breakfast buffet I would snag an extra few bananas to keep in the room/have for an emergency snack.

Vegas for the most part was very understanding and helpful regarding the menus, and I enjoyed some excellent steaks, seafood and salads.

I managed to stay away from all the desserts and cocktails (even when they placed the most amazing array of Italian desserts right in front of me).

I was worried would be "missing out" but I had a great time and some fabulous w30 meals!

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's great news! I have to go to Vegas in March. I'm doing my Whole30 now, but it's good to know there are options because I'm planning to stick with this as much as possible after my 30 days are over. I do, however, absolutely love the food at Nine Fine Irishmen at New York New York (plus the Guinness!). I may cave one night while I'm there to have it. :)

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