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Committing to 14 days to get back on track


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I fell off the wagon post-W30. As I've mentioned before in other posts, I had my wedding, then went to Europe, and allowed these events to serve as reasons not to do proper reintroductions. Since being back home I've been pretty close to compliant but with some exceptions. As a result my symptoms are back and I am back at square one not knowing what the culprit is.

So today I'm committing myself to a Whole14. We'll see if that's long enough to get back to feeling good again. If not, then I will extend.

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I'm with you. I'm starting a new W30 today. I thought about doing just a W14, but I think I need 30 more days right now to work on my food issues.

What did you decide about wine? I'm guessing that you are going to nix it for the W14, but do you see yourself adding it back in later? That is the question I am asking myself about sugar. Can I have it in any amounts? Like the somewhat smaller amounts that it might be in salad dressing? I don't know and hope to get some more answers this time around.

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Well I've gotta give it up for the 14+ days, but then I'll reintroduce it. I guess then I'll know if that's the issue.

The hardest thing is to face the fact that the difficulty in giving it up means my relationship with it (it being alcohol in general but also wine itself) is probably not a healthy one, even if I'm not drinking to excess. As I've seen people say it may be that in this aspect I'm looking for a nutritional solution to a lifestyle problem. This is my sore spot for sure! At this stage it's more of a long term question as to whether I need to avoid it entirely, forever - in the short term, beyond my Whole stints I am not ready to do that yet.

Sugar is a hard one too - it's one thing to drink alcohol vs. not drink alcohol, but since sugar is hidden in a lot of foods I think it presents it's own unique challenge when that's your slippery slope. I wish you luck on your path to Whole enligtenment!

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