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Failed Mayo - Does Olive Oil Brands Matter?


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Hello.  I have made mayonnaise several times in my 8 c. food processor with no issues. Now I have had 2 fails in a row, several days apart. :( I read some other threads that mentioned humidity maybe being a factor (BUMMER!), and using an immersion blender, which I have on my list to buy.

However, my question today is has anyone had problems with certain brands of light olive oil?  I bought some generic Kroger brand recently, and that is when I had the 2 fails.



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Its hard to say, so many factors involved. I have success with 2 different oils I use: extra-light tasting bertolli olive oil from Walmart and avocado oil from Costco, with the odd fail and then one time I had 3 fails in a row then success on a consistent basis once again.  The only other thing I can think of is maybe your food processor is running too warm which I know can affect it, you might try turning the speed down. Also, maybe you did not blend it long enough, sometimes if I just keep at it, it will thicken but I have to be patient.  Its easier to do this with a stick blender because you can kind of move it around the mixture nice and slow.  I used to use a food processor which worked fine but I switched to an immersion blender for ease of use and clean-up which works great and I would say more consistent success apart from that bad patch I had for awhile. I would say just keep trying, be patient and you'll eventually get it and you can still use the failed mayo as dressing.

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