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Wired.. as in all jacked UP.  coffee bath smiley You betcha.  At this particular time, Day 29, your fat metabolism has probably changed.  In a really, really good way.  If you were used to drinking your coffee with cream, for example,  and you've been drinking it black or with some nut milk or nutpod, the hit of caffeine that was buffered out with cream has changed. You're probably feeling the full force of caffeine coursing through your bloodstream...quicker.  Are you drinking coffee by itself?

One day, I went Cold Turkey with coffee and I've never felt better.  No jacked UP highs and lows. Coffee caffeine messes with your blood sugar and the actual coffee bean itself (not the caffeine) can mess with your gut lining/gut permeability.


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Thank you, Meadowlily! What a beautiful name!! I used to have one Splenda packet for 2-3 cups of coffee, but have been having black coffee the past 28 days. Today I had a teaspoon of vanilla ghee in it and didn't care for it. Black coffee, believe it or not, has been the hardest part of Whole30 for me. I will just have one cup tomorrow and see if that eliminates being wired. Every morning my husband and I have coffee in bed while we read the paper. It is our little ritual so I hate to curtail it, so I'll try just one cup and see how that goes.

Thank you for your insights! Whole30 has been wonderful for me. I'm very gluten sensitive and flat line lactose intolerant so I'm used to being diligent, but I still felt awful and had little energy. Now I'm busy all day long, my cravings are gone, and I'm not hungry between meals!

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