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Trying to figure out how much to cook for a week!


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I am trying to figure out how many types of proteins, veggies, different types of sauces or dips that doubles as both seasoning and fat I need to plan for each week. I'm going to start my second Whole30 in January and would like to try to make more meals by throwing proteins, veggies, and sauces/seasoning in a bowl as opposed to having to use formal recipes for every meal. In my head that seems less stressful, but I want to be sure that I prep enough of each on the weekend. Any suggestions for the number of different types of proteins and veggies that people make in order to get them through the week. My goal is to try and cook on the weekend and maybe once during the week. I would like the rest to just be reheating or recombining things that have already been cooked. 


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Have you checked out Mel Joulwan's site? If you go to this page, check specifically her Stocking Up and Method Behind My Madness posts for how she does it, and there are some weekly meal plans you could check out too, plus the No Recipes Required post has some good ideas for things you can keep on hand to throw together easily:   http://meljoulwan.com/paleo-101/


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