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Official thread for Jan Whole 30?


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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if an official thread has been started on here for the January Whole 30? Last time I did a Whole 30 everyone who started on the same day was able to join the thread so we could share our struggles and celebrations.  If anyone can direct me that would be great.



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There are several threads for people starting 1/1 or 1/2. There's not one official one that everyone has to join, just go find the ones that you feel like are the best fit for you and jump in, or start your own if you prefer. Typically, group threads each take on their own personality, so we don't try to combine them -- some people like the big threads with lots of people, others find that overwhelming and find a smaller thread with fewer people more manageable. Just head to the Join the Whole30 section of the forum and browse through what's there.

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