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Chappell's Whole 30 - 1/2/2017


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Ok creating a log here but who knows how/if I'll keep up with it.  I went on and started it early to talk about some of the prepping I'm doing.

Meal plan week 1: check.   I have a 12 hour out of the house day Monday so I'll pack 2 meals and a mini-meal/snack just in case.   I have a big training event Saturday, Jan 7 from 9-4--breakfast and lunch are provided.  I will eat a good breakfast, pack a lunch and 2 "snacks" because it will be day 6 and better to have appropriate food than to break it so early.  Then again Sunday from 12-2.  Sunday should be less intense but I'm still planning to set myself up for success.  The rest of the week should be relatively easy.

Emergency If-Then plans: check.  I made a bunch of these and they tend to be "plan ahead for known events" or "distract yourself and have some tasty tasty water."  ...If the shoe fits.

Shopping:  I just ordered a MegaPack of Barefoot Provision snacks because shelf stable snacks are good to have (and these are actually SAFE for me--I'm peanut allergic and it's nearly impossible for me to find shelf-stable snack food).  I'll keep a couple in my car and the rest out of sight/out of mind but they will be available if I have to have them.  Tomorrow or Saturday I'm going to the local hippie store to look for a vitamin and toothpaste.  I know toothpaste isn't recommended to change but I'm going to try to anyway.  We put icing/sugar in the cheek of a person having a hypoglycemic episode and the mouth is a giant mucus membrane (very easy for molecules to cross) so I'm going to attempt to find a Whole30 toothpaste.  If I can't, I won't worry too hard about it but...Saturday or Sunday morning, I'll grocery shop for real.  

Prep Day: Sunday will be my cooking day.  I have to cook for Monday and Tuesday on Sunday because I just don't have the time (I leave the house Monday at 7:30am and get back between 8:30 and 9pm.  Tuesday is better because I leave at 8:30 and get back around 6:30. By the time I get home, esp Mondays, and walk/pet/play with the dogs for a few minutes it's bedtime).

Support system: One of my patients is a call person for me.  My mom is doing a similar-ish thing with a nurse practitioner health coach person (big into Food Heals type thing) and went to get the book today after I told her what I was doing so she's totally supportive.  Husband travels so he won't be an issue during the week and he's pretty supportive of whatever I decide in general.  

House Cleanout: I actually don't have a ton of stuff to get rid of....I need to move the sugar away from the coffee machine and ditch the creamer but my fridge is pretty clear because we'd been traveling for the holidays.   Wine may be a big temptation (I looooooove my wine at night) but if I don't have an open bottle, it won't be a big deal.  No baked goods, mixes, etc.  This is all part of why I need to do one anyway......I have gotten away from planning and cooking and way to into easy convenience foods.  Diet cokes will be a big temptation too but they are in the outside fridge so I can just not go out there.  

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Day I don't even know.

Went to the co-op today (hippie store). Located toothpaste made with clay, salt, and essential oils. I think it has xylitol too? Maybe less than ideal but way better than my Colgate filled with glycerin and sugar and crap (can't confirm--both are not right next to me and I don't feel like getting up). Probably will taste awful. I'll let you know. It's pale grey coming out of the tube. Did not acquire vitamins--they were all $70 which um no. I'll find a pill to replace my tasty gummies and not worry super much about it. 

Apparently, someone shared their plague with me. I have a sinus crud, sore throat, productive cough, sneezing, headache, earache, fever (nurses would say 100F is not a fever but when you normally run 96-97, I say it is), random nausea.

If I'm not better Sunday, I may push my start date. It will depend on how I feel (if this descends into full-on Flu, I will prob push it out. If it stays as is, I'm pretty miserable but ok enough to shop and food prep). Apparently I look awful too according to a friend I saw today while working. I kind of feel like starting while I have plague is setting up for failure (although early NSV? ;-D ).

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1.5 days till go time!

I'm feeling a billion times better today so must have been a 24-48 hr virus or something.  Still headachy/sinusy/coughy but no worse than spring allergies.  It would be nice if my right eardrum would quit getting pressurized every time I sneeze and/or blow my nose #notamused.  Poor husband thought I was dead--I slept till 11 today and I'm usually up at 8:30.  Apparently I needed a lot of sleep, which doesn't surprise me because I slept very poorly Thursday night and did a lot Friday.  

I'm planning to proceed with a start on Jan 2 as originally planned.   I stopped allergy pills the other day (emptied the bottle and didn't open a new one) because they are all kinds of sugary (lactose something or other as a binder) and I want to see the biggest change by going super strict about it on that front.  

Anyway, today I've been taking down some Christmas decorations (boo!) and typing my meal plan since I have craptastic writing (plus this preserves it so I can reuse it if I want) and pulling together my grocery list and, of course, watching football.  I need to check my spices and cross off any I don't need.  I need to cross off ground meat too--we have some in the freezer I think (will double check).  Grocery store tomorrow morning then cooking for Mon/Tuesday.  I am a little concerned about not having enough side type stuff...but if I get some fresh greens, I can always pack some extra greens + oil/vinegar + eggs and have a side salad right?  Especially with stuff that I normally think of as a full meal by itself (chicken hash, chili, etc....).  I'm going to buy lots of eggs and use vinegar/food coloring to dye the boiled ones so I know easily which ones are cooked (since I need some not cooked to go in other dishes/emergency plan--omelette).  


I'm already using this more than I thought I would...Apparently I LIKE talking about my prepping, especially to people who understand and encourage it.

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Shopped and cooked yesterday! Made all the food for today and most of tomorrow (crockpot meal tom night I'll put together).

So day1 breakfast went good. 1/3 of spinach frittata + hot black tea (blasphemy--I'm Southern. Tea is normally sweet and icy). 

Oh and the toothpaste? Tastes ok but is triggering a gag reflex for me. Not sure why.

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Day 2

Day 1 went great. No issues at all. I did take a nap though? Very odd for me.

Day 2. I have a horrid headache. Also, the "I want salty crunchy food" has started. I've held out--bought some kombucha to try on my lunch and it did OK at filling my want for a Diet Coke. Not totally crazy about the flavor though. I've managed to stay on plan, no tylenol even though I want some BAD. 

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Day 3. 

I’m not really hungry? I mean I’m ok with that but wow. I’ve been horribly off template today too (eggs for breakfast, end of the frittata for lunch, roasted sweet potatoes this afternoon, leftover beef and steamed Brussels sprouts with clarified butter for dinner) since I work up super late and had to sprint out the door but ehh. I’ll do better tomorrow. On the plus side, my headache is pretty much gone (sinus headache is left but way less painful than yesterday) although I have got to get adjusted Monday or Tuesday when I work. My neck is killing me and I can barely turn my head to the left.

I am apparently a big snacker/chewer between meals. I keep wanting gum or mints. I’m holding out though. Apparently for me, “serves 2” in the book means approx 3 Chappell servings (or 1 Chappell and 1 husband). Which is good info to have.

I tried some coconut water + pineapple. Ugh. Not doing that again. Maybe I'll try it diluted tomorrow. My box from Barefoot Provisions came in so I tucked a couple EPIC bars in my purse. May explore the kale and/or seaweed chips tomorrow--I was really wanting salty-crunchy today.

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Day 5.

I have gone totally off my meal plan sheet.  Which is fine.  I'm still only eating approved foods, just not exactly in the order I had planned them.  And either I didn't buy a couple things and I've lost my mind or my husband (who has been out of town since Monday) ate them .... Yeah probably didn't buy them and lost my mind.  It's all good though--I have plenty of food.  And kind of a lesson for me to only try to plan a few days at a time or I go off rails.  Although the fact that all my avocados were bad is def not my fault but has contributed to me being off.  Ehh whatever.  

So it may be my imagination but my stomach/abdomen literally feels lighter.  I doubt it's weight (although since I wear leggings 7 days/week, it'll be hard to tell my pants are getting looser or tighter ;-) ) but it literally feels like it's pressing down less when I lay down and even when I sit.  IDK.  I may be losing my mind.  

In other early NSVs

  • I'm still not really getting HANGRY
  • energy is still ok
  • head clearing--ok this may not be due to w30 but I'm counting it anyway!
  • I'm feeling warmer?  I run cold so feeling warm even when I'm walking the dogs in 50F or lower temps is WEIRD for me.  I've been unzipping my coat because I'm hotting to death halfway through.  Is this a side effect of running on fat not sugar?
  • I'm almost entirely off caffeine.  Yep.  Drinking black tea but even that doesn't have as much caffeine as 2-3 diet cokes/day + coffee. 
  • Not really missing coffee.  


  • Despite energy being ok, it's only really good while I'm moving. If I stop, I tend to fall asleep.  So I'm napping more despite having energy.
  • I still really miss diet cokes.  Mouthfeel, flavor, the little kick at the end.  Kombucha is ok but I'm not crazy about the flavor I bought and it's just not really the same.  
  • Coconut water + pineapple is foul.  FOUL.  I bought one to try thinking it would be a nice change from straight water.  Nope. Nopenopenope.  Yuck. Not ever making that mistake again (at least until I forget how awful it is....).  I remember having coconut milk before straight from a coconut and really liking it.  So IDK.
  • Cooking everything in coconut oil makes it super, super sweet. PROTIP: do not cook meat in coconut oil if it's going in a savory dish.  Just don't.  Trust me ok?
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Day 7.

I made it through training yesterday no problems. I avoided the 4 six-foot tables of breakfast carbs and drank my tea and water. Ate my packed lunch instead of the Subway they ordered for us. I admit to some "stay awake/focused" snacking on toasted coconut chips. May not be 100% on recommendation but I needed to stay awake. 


Then Hubs and I went to a movie. I got a giant bottle of water and he got a Coke(Pepsi :( ) and candy. Didn't really miss popcorn (although it would have been nice!).

One not-really-a-problem I'm running into: I'm crazy thirsty. I'm drink 80-100oz water + 20-40 oz hot black tea and still feeling like that's not enough. Anyone have insight on that? 

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Day 8.

Nurse friend says I'm probably just changing body chemistry, not dying because I'm drinking tons of water so winning. 

Only worked 1/2 day today so I came home for lunch, cleaned/tidied the garage (I may be able to park in it soon!), did my Mary Kay stuff tonight. Food was boring? I mean I didn't really do anything interesting with them but I also wasn't hungry. I did find a chai tea that's compliant (ingredients: black tea, individual spice names) so that's a nice change. Hippie store tomorrow because hubs wants Halotop ice cream (it so isn't...like it tastes ok but is NOT ice cream. And also, not whole30). So I may check their tea blends...I'm hoping I can find a small herbal/fruit sampler that's compliant. I may look for nutpods but I may not too. 

Leggings were rolling down more today so I may have been bloat-y. I can't swear if that's whole30 or PMSymptom though. Still running hot--I was removing layers tonight on dog walk in 45F temps. 

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Day 11.

I'm really, really dreaming of ice cream (more specifically, milk shakes) and chocolate.  I had to explain SWYPO to my husband last night when he suggested I make a frozen banana paleo not-ice-cream type thing.  He understood---he's a pretty good egg most of the time.  

I did not go to the hippie store.... Got busy and Hubs said he'd go to Publix himself and get what he wanted so that worked out.  I still want to check some of their tea blends.

I tried a seaweed snack.  Umm.... maybe as a last resort?  I was expecting something salty and crunchy and I got...not so salty and slimy.  Yeah.  Not a huge fan.  

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Keep trying seaweeds because some really are salty and crunchy and delicious.  Salty and slimy sounds icky.  I get the salt craving thing.  There's just so much salt in my junky diet that eating clean makes me feel so salt-less.  I find I eat a lot of anchovies or add what seems like a lot of salt to my meals, but I don't actually think I'm adding too much.  It's funny though how unaware of salt I am till I start cooking and now I really appreciate its nuances.  Your husband sounds like a good guy.  I'm only on Day Four.  I've done this before, but not for a long time and I've recently just had a good six months of non-stop bad eating - like super bad - so I'm feeling the transition.  Someone posted that they made mocktails with soda water, basil, and lime.  I bought some basil, but have yet to do it.  The soda water, such as La Croix, is a nice substitute for soda pop.  It doesn't have that sugary tang, but it has the fizz and a bitterness which I find super appealing.  Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night craving a soda water.  I'm not sure why I crave that instead of regular water, but it seems to quench my thirst in a good way.  Good luck with today  - you're over that first week hump and almost to the halfway! 

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It really was.  I haven't tossed it yet...I'm kind of hoping it was just my mood and that I didn't really want to eat that made it taste slimy and yuck.  I'm glad to hear that there are SOME SOMEWHERE that don't go slimy as soon as you put them in your mouth.  Like this summer, I was with my sis in Seattle kayaking and we tried fresh bull kelp (bulb kelp?)...Oh man the salty deliciousness of that....yum.  

I add SO MUCH SALT.  Like my poor husband thought I salted things too much before Whole30...Pretty sure he'd think I was trying to poison him now.  ALL THE SALT! (where's a meme when you need one? ;-) )

I was feeling it HARD last week.  Now, I'm not sure if it's PMS craving (I'm due any day now...TMI I know) or habit or what.  I haven't done any of the mocktails because that would...kind of be SWYPO for me.  I was a HUUUUUGE diet coke drinker.  Like HUGE.  So anything with that exact mouthfeel is setting up that trigger of "well that's not quite right..." The Kombucha was ok--it's not nearly as fizzy as a coke.  I have never been able to get into fizzy water.  I can taste the carbonation (or something) and it's just...ugh.  

Yeah, my husband is super supportive.  He's doing his own thing (bet with a coworker) and I haven't quite figured out the rules for his plan?  I think he's just cutting calories and fat?  No clue.  Anyway, I basically just do my thing and he does his and it's all good.  

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day 15.

Holy Moly... halfway over. Wow. 

So in today's news, I am over cooking. Like completely. I may attempt to eat out this week? I haven't even really tried it but I'm so ready to eat something I didn't cook. Like woah. 

I'm planning an event Thursday. The Junior Leaguers are coming to my house for our yearly cluster meeting. The Southern Belle in me is demanding that I provide appetizers/finger food (I am not feeding 8-12 people Real Dinner...). I'm wanting to do stuff I can eat too. Otherwise it'll be there tempting me. Which is no bueno. Right now, I'm thinking fruit tray, veggie tray with buffalo chicken dip (found on Pinterest--all compliant ingredients), and something. I've got to figure out the 3rd something. Currently taking ideas?

Otherwise, I'm just trucking along. I do think my hormones are changing - late cycle but I also just quit the pill so that could be it too. I feel like my belly/chest/torso is significantly smaller. Shirts are hanging differently and bra strap is cutting into my ribs less (always a win!). Skin is about the same. I think that's about all for today. 

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day 18. (I think...)

We had our League meeting tonight. I had meatballs with BBQ sauce, fruit, veggies, buffalo chicken, and Sunshine Dip (with almond butter). People brought stuff which I avoided and drank a couple bottles of wine (I provided some, they brought some). Overall, it went really well. 

BBQ sauce is awesome. Loving it. I did add a couple dates to the whole30 book recipe because I didn't have apple cider and might have pour ACV in instead and didn't want it that vinegar-y. Not a fan of the Sunshine dip/sauce stuff if I have to sub almond butter (no compliant sunflower butter available locally). I just can't do almond butter. Not physically. I can eat almonds just fine. I can't mentally get over how much it looks and smells like peanut butter. And I presume tastes but I've never had PB so idk for sure (allergic since age 2 to peanuts). So that will probably get tossed in a couple days. 

I suck at meatballs...mine ended up kind of as meat pancakes or triangles. I do not know the trick to keeping them round while they cook. 

Anyway, overall a win! No non-compliant foods invested despite them hanging out on the table with my compliant stuff. Wine resisted. 

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