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Tomatoes or all nightshades?


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Hello. I am prepping and planning to begin my first Whole30 this week (waiting until my kids go back to school on Wednesday!). I have long known that raw peppers and cooked tomatoes are very hard for me to digest--for example, tomato sauce gives me terrible indigestion and when I was pregnant I would always vomit anything that was tomato based. I had never heard of "nightshades" before prepping for my first Whole30. Do you think I should eliminate all nightshades in my Whole30? I'm seeing so many recipes that use a lot of the nightshade spices that I would love to be able to use. Also, potatoes!! Are they really the same as tomatoes? I would appreciate any advice. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I want to do this right. Thank you so much!

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It's probably easiest to start with just a regular whole30, obviously leaving out the things you know for sure are a problem for you. That may be enough for you to get the results you're hoping for, and if it's not, it may be less intimidating to leave out other items once you're more used to all the other whole30 rules.

I probably would go ahead and look at some of the nightshade free recipes too, just to start having them around if you do end up needing to cut out other nightshades at some point. Also pay attention to how you feel -- if you have a really potato-heavy day, or you use lots of nightshade spices, and you do feel bad after, that could be a sign you'd want to cut back on them more.

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