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Easing off of anti-depressant (Paxil)

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After about 12 years on Paxil, I'm working with my doctor to slowly decrease my Paxil dosage so that I can get completely off the med. I know that Paxil can cause awful withdrawal symptoms for some folks, so I'm trying to prepare the best I can to head off any serious withdrawal problems. I've been on 30 mg - doc recommended 20 mg for 2 weeks, then 10 mg for 2 wks, then switch to Prozac for 4 weeks, then off Prozac. I quit drinking weeks ago (shouldn't have been drinking while taking the meds, but still did); now I'm doing a round of whole 30 b/c I think it will help also (did it about a year ago). I'd appreciate any other ideas or thoughts on whole 30 compliant types of foods that would be especially helpful for me during this time.

thanks all!

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I am on prozac plus other meds for medical conditions...I find good amounts of starchy vegs in my daily intake are important for my anxiety and depression and may help your body in a time of extra stress.

It's not just food though - a lot of self-care will be important, a regular routine, relaxation/meditation, drinking enough water etc...

can you get a tablet splitter and gradually slice a piece of the pill off each day? or get it in liquid form and gradually lower the dose like that? that's the only way i can come off drugs

how far along in your whole30 are you?



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Hi...thanks for posting. We're just starting whole 30 this weekend. We've done it before, though. Yes, lots of water, exercise, and no caffeine will be important. I have a doc appt in early Feb and will ask my doc about using either a pill splitter or the liquid form, if needed. I'm switching to decaf herbal tea in place of coffee, too.


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