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WIP Whole 30 Style


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So today I begin my Whole 30 journey.  I've done "elimination" type programs before (though not for quite awhile) and learned a lot about how my body reacts to certain things.  Unfortunately, my diet has become less than optimal in recent years.  Today I start the road back.  :)

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Welcome aboard! 

That's great that you know how your body reacts to food.  Other than alcohol and bread/carbs, I had no real idea about that before Whole30.  What a surprise!

Glad to see you here on the forum.  I look forward to seeing your success!  :)


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On 1/13/2017 at 3:35 PM, Jager07 said:

Welcome aboard! 

That's great that you know how your body reacts to food.  Other than alcohol and bread/carbs, I had no real idea about that before Whole30.  What a surprise!

Glad to see you here on the forum.  I look forward to seeing your success!  :)


Thanks Jager07!  I am looking forward to great things!

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Day 2 Food:

Meal 1 - 2 Whole eggs poached, spinach, 1 small white potato, fresh herbs, salt and pepper cooked in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Meal 2 - roasted chicken breast, 2 fresh kiwi and a handful of almonds

Meal 3 - Large salad (romaine lettuce, chopped tomato, sugar snap peas, white button mushrooms, grilled portobello mushrooms, grilled flank steak with homemade dressing of extra virgin olive oil, whole grain mustard, Braggs cider vinegar and fresh herbs

Hit the gym for a 2:45 workout:

dynamic warm-up exercises followed by 10 minutes of intervals on the treadmill

Lower body circuit

4 sets - 1-1/4 weighted squats

4 sets - Romanian DLs

4 sets - TRX rollout

Jump-rope circuit

3 sets - Weighted hip thrusts

3 sets - Suitcase DLs

3 sets - TRX speed skaters


Feeling good this am.  DOMS hasn't yet set in.  Whole30 compliant breakfast is done and an upper body circuit is scheduled for this afternoon.


Happy Sunday all!  :)

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Day 3 Food:

M1 - 2 eggs scrambled (no milk), 2 small tomoatoes chopped with spinach

M2 - Large salad with mushrooms, carrots, celery, tomato, katamala olives, fresh basil and oil and vinegar

M3 - Mixed steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, watercress and snap peas) with coconut oil, salt and pepper and baked chicken thigh

Snack - Handful of almonds and a banana



Upper body circuit

4 sets Landmine presses

4 sets negative chins

4 sets TRX planks

Mountain climber/side-plank circuit

3 sets rotational chest press

3 sets B/O rows

3 sets each TRX tricep extension/bicep curl


Have a great day my fellow Whole30 peeps!

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Day 4 Food:

M1 - 2 eggs, spinach, 2 small chopped tomatoes and 1 small white potato

M2 - 3 cups of cauliflower mash (steamed cauli with spices and coconut milk) and a pear.... no added protein

M3 - Steak Fajita (steak sauteed with peppers and onions) over romaine lettuce, mushrooms and tomatoes


No formal workout.  I planned to do yoga but it didn't happen. 

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Day 5 Food:

M1 - 2 eggs, spinach, 2 small chopped tomatoes, kiwi

M2 - half an acorn squash stuffed with baby spinach and a whole egg topped with spices and coconut oil (steamed in the microwave) and a pear

M3 - Large romaine salad with roasted chicken, mushrooms and tomato topped with olive oil and Braggs cider vinegar

Snack - Banana with a handful of nuts

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