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Day 4 - So TIRED!


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Hello.  I'm on day 4 of the whole30 and am so exhausted.  I was previously doing paleo for a couple of months so I didn't think there would be a big change, but I find myself really tired, especially in the afternoon.  Is this normal?  Any suggestions?  I am eating large meals and am working out 3-4 days per week doing Cross-fit.  I have brought my weight down during my workouts and have been taking it easier than usual because I expected to be low on energy.  Any other thoughts?


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Yesterday was my day 4 and my workout was terrible, I also lacked a lot of energy and my strength seemed really depleted. I remember in the book that they say to take it easy during the first week or so regarding workouts because the energy will likely not be there. Just thought I would let you know that someone else feels the same way you do!


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