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Starting Monday, January 30th


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Hola Whole 30 World! My boyfriend and I are looking forward to starting the challenge on Monday, January 30th. Any advice/tips for things to look out for while doing this with a significant other? I know I will be "hangry" during week 1 and possible lash out at him because he bought the wrong brand of eggs, but any other words to share?

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I am officially starting on the 30th as well...but have been "unofficially" eating Whole30 compliant meals the last few weeks (minus a day on the weekend). Over the weekend we had our menu tasting for our wedding, so I didn't want to miss out on that!  I found by following the recommended meal template (protein + veggies/carbs + healthy fat) I didn't feel "hangry" at all. In fact, I finally felt full after each meal (and full for an extended amount of time). I definitely used to get hangry all the time and know how unpleasant it can be to be around me when I am... So I guess my tip is make sure you are eating the recommended amount in the meal template and you might not get mad at your boyfriend during your first week :) That's awesome you two are doing this together. My fiance says he'll try it " as long as he can still drink milk and eat/drink whatever he wants during the Superbowl." :blink:

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Thank you for the tip. I'll try to add in some meals this week too. I've also joined the Facebook group: Keep Calm and Whole 30 On. That's been a great help with any questions and/ or support I need. I posted the other night suggestions for receipes for Superbowl. Lots of great ideas for your fiancé. 

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I found this forum, the various Whole30 books and google to be soooo hopeful with questions I have about what's compliant, different recipes and how to navigate social situations. I also found following Whole30 recipes on FB and Instagram have been great inspiration for recipes! I'll have to checkout that Facebook group. Thanks! I know there have been some great posts on here about recipes for super bowl as well! The fiancé has been eating all the meals I've been making and has loved them. We'll see what he says next Monday when it's go time!! 

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