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Hey, everyone! 

I'm starting my Whole30 today, just a few days after my birthday. I got a diagnosis from a trip to the emergency room earlier this month and while it is not life threatening, I have to do anything I can do to prevent that level of pain. I have a couple of things going on in my body that I'm hoping will be helped by the Whole30! I'm super nervous that I'll accidentally mess up, I actually almost did already (this morning) when I didn't realize that lemon juice has sulfates in it, eek! Good thing I bought some actual lemons last night. But I am excited to learn more about food (I'm already shocked at how much sugar and corn is in everything) and see what life is like without the non-compliant foods. I think I eat pretty well anyway but there's always more learning to do!


I didn't realize you had to pay for the Daily30 email, I thought it was free. Does anyone have a strong opinion on how vital to one's success it is?

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9 hours ago, MelindaDee said:

Hey, everyone! 

I'm starting my Whole30 today, just a few days after my birthday. I got a diagnosis from a trip to the emergency room earlier this month and while it is not life threatening, I have to do anything I can do to prevent that level of pain. I have a couple of things going on in my body that I'm hoping will be helped by the Whole30! I'm super nervous that I'll accidentally mess up, I actually almost did already (this morning) when I didn't realize that lemon juice has sulfates in it, eek! Good thing I bought some actual lemons last night. But I am excited to learn more about food (I'm already shocked at how much sugar and corn is in everything) and see what life is like without the non-compliant foods. I think I eat pretty well anyway but there's always more learning to do!


I didn't realize you had to pay for the Daily30 email, I thought it was free. Does anyone have a strong opinion on how vital to one's success it is?

Hello Melinda and welcome! While not vital, I LOVED the daily emails and they are full of information and inspiration. And every day there's a link (if you completed the day successfully) to something fun. (And another link to restart if you messed up.) It's well worth the money. 

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I started my whole 30 today. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. I have cut down on sugar about a year ago, so that isn't as hard for me. I think dairy will be my challenge. I'm doing this to see if I have food sensitivities. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm not worried about that as much during this first time. I just want to see if I can eat clean and how I feel about it at the end. 

Good luck to us all, and yay for us committing to being healthier!

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