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Rough day

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When you start looking for more food, ask yourself if you'd eat something really bland and boring like plain steamed fish and broccoli. If you would, you are probably truly hungry, so fix yourself a mini meal of protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three.

If you wouldn't eat something boring, but you want something, you're not really hungry. You might try to figure out why you're wanting food. Are you bored or upset or do you just always have a snack around this time? If you're bored or its just a habit, find something else to do. Go for a walk, work on a hobby, clean, read a book, talk to a friend or family member. 

If you're wanting food because you're emotional -- angry or sad or stressed or whatever -- just let yourself feel whatever those feelings are. Cry or scream or whatever you need to do to express those feelings (obviously, don't direct this toward innocent people or pets who happen to be nearby). 

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